4 Reasons Why You Are Exercising and Not Losing Weight

4 Reasons Why You Are Exercising and Not Losing Weight

We all know that regular exercises are good for our overall wellbeing, right? However, some people hit the gym almost every day but they still complain of that stubborn weight that never seems to go away. That said, have you been exercising but still not losing weight? This is for you; (please) read on…

If truth be told, when you exercise regularly and eat healthily but you are still not losing weight, there is definitely something that you are not doing right. To help you identify the possible problems that have been interfering with your weight loss journey, we have highlighted at least 4answers to the question ‘I Workout SO Much! Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

You are working out too hard – If you work out to a point that your body hurts or you spend the next few days in bed, then it is not worth it! It’s good to do cardio exercises because they keep the heart healthy and the overall body shapes. However, like the saying ‘too much of everything is poisonous’, too much cardio will do you more harm than good. So, just keep it simple and doable; after all, losing weight is not something that will happen overnight. It is simply one step at a time.

You may be sticking to the wrong dietary plans – If you are not shedding off any weight, the first thing you must look at is the kind of meals you eat. For example, starch diets like rice, potatoes, and some grains are best taken during the day when the body is active. On the other hand, for cardio boosters, it is also advised that you consume lots of proteins and vegetables and very little carbohydrates.


Moving on, a good rule of thumb is to consume fruits in large servings and to keep the body hydrated at all times. Caffeine and other hard drinks are not favorable for anyone who wants to shed some pounds effectively and fast. So, keep off!

You are not giving your body a break -You might be overly excited about working out and burning up those calories. However, as mentioned above, take one step at a time. Trusted experts advise you to workout at most4 days in a week and take the 3 days to relax and allow the body to recover. Depending on your schedule or your preferences, set up a routine on when to exercise and when to take a break for the body to recover.

You are not taking weight loss supplements – Exercise alone is not enough to give you that body that you have always dreamt of. In addition to working out, you can also take some weight loss drugs or supplements. These drugs are meant to make the weight loss journey an easier one. However, avoid over-the-counter drugs and consult a doctor or a health and fitness expert for some recommendations.


Congratulations to you for taking that bold step to lose some pounds and stay healthy. At the end of it all, you will be glad that you took that path. All the best!

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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