As a Blogger sometimes we just do not want to Blog

As a Blogger sometimes we do not want to Blog. GASP! Sigh!. Yes, I said it out loud. Sometimes I do not wish to BLOG!!! So the last week’s schedule is all jacked up. But its okay as it is Summertime. With Blogging, we can pick up where we left off and got right back to blogging. Unlike a job outside the house. So today I would like to say Thank you to my husband, son, friends and, a family who hasn’t given up on me. And say “I AM BACK”!! And I may stumble again, but I will try and stay on track.


Since I let Monday slide by and didn’t share this week Monday Blogger Shoutout, I would like to do that today. As these ladies were kind enough to send in there information to us and I want to make sure I do my part to get them seen.

So today’s Blogger Shoutout is for Chocolate for the Teacher. And let me tell you as soon as I heard the title Chocolate for the Teacher  I was hooked. As I love chocolate and I am a teacher. And yes, they chocolate and teachers do go hand in hand. So come check out                        Chocolate for the Teacher today and let me know what you think of her blog. And look at all the printables she has for us.

Need some encouragement?  Lesson Resources? Want to take a closer look at resources? Click on these links!

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Specializing in Reading

In over 22 years, I have taught elementary, middle school, and adults. I love creating and teaching engaging lessons regardless of the age that I show. I love learning as I collaborate with my peers and with my students.

So now since I admitted As a Blogger sometimes we do not want to Blog… do you have these times as well and if so what do you do about them? And do you have someone else blog on your site for you or just let it go until you feel like coming back? And what would happen if you decided not to go back ever???

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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