Homeschooling with Board Games: Bouncing Bingo

David is working a double this evening for Labor Day weekend as he gets Holiday pay which will cover the time he was off for me getting hurt this week.

I plan on getting Charlie up early then we can get his school work done early. For #HomeschoolWithBoardGames: Bouncing Bingo is what we will be playing.

Bouncing Bingo is from Winning Moves Games. I know once Charlie sees the box with all the animals he isn’t going to want to stop playing. I can’t wait until Lily my niece visits as I would like to share this new game with her and her brother Jason.

Bouncing Bingo is for children 4+ and requires no reading which will allow Charlie to teach Lily and Jason how to play. As well as my niece Patyon and even Elijah when he gets a tad bit older.

I know everyone will love the box Bouncing Bingo comes because there is a picture of a Pig, Goat, Rat, Duck, and a Kitten. Along with a Donkey and even a Cow which my mom would have liked.

Unlike traditional Bingo where you use cards you use a ball hence the name Bouncing Bingo. I wonder what my mom would have thought of Bouncing Bingo because she loved playing Bingo and would have played every day if she could have.

I like how Bouncing Bingo teaches our children Hand/ Eye Coordination. Patience and to take turns and to share with others. As well as learning Small Motor Skills.

Smaller children have the opportunity to learn animals by seeing there picture and name recognition from hearing the names of the animals and how the names sound.


Bouncing Bingo Game - Entertainment Earth

This is Bingo with a fun twist! One by one players take turns bouncing the special ball into the Bingo platform. When the ball lands in one of the animal spots, you place a chip on your card, on that same animal.

The first player to get four chips in a row has bounced their way to a Bingo and wins! Bouncing Bingo will help children with hand eye coordination, small motor skills, animal and name picture recognition and turn taking. 


Set the Board Game up and then read the instructions to the Players. Once you finish reading the Instructions ask them questions about the Game and what is going to happen. Then let them ask you questions about what is going happen and why.

In your Reading Journal write down notes about the Game and include who played the Game. Who won and lost. Were they good winners and losers.

Choose your favorite animal from the game. Find a Chapter Book about that Animal. Read the story for 30 minutes a night. On Friday in your Reading Journal write down three things you learned from the book you read.

I chose the Duck and will read the Ugly Duckling. Charlie choose the Donkey and will read The Wonky Donkey. While David picked out the Pig and will read If You Give A Pig A Pancake.

Art Class:

Pick one of the Animals and draw a picture of what a day in there life would look like. Make sure you include a description of what the animal is doing and why.

Write the explanation of what you drew inside your Art Journal.

Math Class:

Count all the pieces in the Game and once you come up with the answer create 5 math problems for someone in your family to figure out the answers to.

Then have them create 5 math problems from the number you gave up and then you out those problems.

Write both sets of Math problems inside your Math Journal.

Cooking Class:

Create a Snack based on the Game that can be served while playing the Game.

For Charlie’s Homeschool Cooking Class were going to purchase Animal Cookie Cutters and prepare Sugar Cookies for us to have during the Game.

For Breakfast before everyone arrives Charlie is going to prepare Pig Shaped Pancakes for Breakfast.

Write the Recipes inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.

Music Class:

Create a Song/Jingle about the Game that can be used in a Commercial. Sing the Song for the people playing the Game and your family members.

Write the Song/Jingle inside your Music Journal.

Drama Class:

Act out a Scene that happened in the Game and explain what your acting out and why.

Write the Explanation inside your Drama Journal.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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