Can you believe it is the middle of October?

I sit here and look at the computer and check my phone I see it is the 13th of October which means we are halfway through October. Can you believe it? The 15th is my brothers Birthday, and I was Blessed this past weekend when he and my dad came down for a little bit. Now I wasn’t able to spend as much time as I would have liked with them, but I am grateful for the time I had.

We took my dad out to lunch on Sunday, and it was nice as it was just Charlie, David and I with him. We went to Dickies to get some Ribs as Charlie asked my dad if he would like Ribs and my dad told Charlie yes. Once we were done, we went to Walmart’s to look for David a pair of work shoes, but we couldn’t find any, but that was OK. We were able to spend more time with my dad.

Now I would like to share something with you.While we were out shopping my dad scared me. He has COPD, and he was having a lot of trouble breathing, so my dad barely made it through Walmarts, but he did. Once we were outside, we decided to take my dad back to my sisters as I was scared to go anywhere else with him.

Once we got my dad to my sisters, he went to bed, and we didn’t hear from either him or my brother all day Sunday which was sad. I wanted to spend some more time with them. It wasn’t God’s will as they spent the day at my sisters which was excellent as her family needed time with him just as mine did.

On Monday my sister called and said they were at Bluebonnet and had just ordered Breakfast, so I didn’t get to eat with them. Which once again upset me but I just had to keep telling myself it was Gods plan that we didn’t have breakfast together. So instead of dwelling on it. I went on with the things I needed to do.

David and I on to Krogers to do the grocery shopping for the week. Once we got home, Charlie called my sister to see about seeing my dad. Debbie told Charlie they had already left to go back home. So I am not sure if they came to our home or not but if so they could have called and met us at Krogers. They pass by it getting onto the Freeway to go home. Once again I have to believe there was a reason they left and we didn’t get to see them as much as I wanted to.

Now what I can tell you is it hurts but not only that I was mad as this is my dad, and I needed him and wanted to be with him. I am so afraid he may not be here much longer. But now I am also worried about my brother as his head was hurting nonstop and he didn’t even come out of my sister’s room the whole weekend even though we took the time to go over and see him.

In 2004 the headaches are what happened to my dad when he had his stroke. I am wondering if my brother has High Blood Pressure or if something else is happening and how we would know.My brother would never go to the doctor for any reason. My brother knows my mom had High Blood Pressure and it almost caused her to have a stroke.

So today as I sit here and get ready to work I would like to ask for Prayers for both my dad as well as my brother as I am not prepared to lose either of them. But I know God can and will answer Prayers, and I do not want anyone I love to suffer ever. God, I come to you today and ask for you to take care of those I love. Including Charlie whose, head and stomach are still bothering him. As I do not like seeing Charlie any more than I do my dad or brother.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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