Charlie was asked to do something the other day.

Charlie was asked to do something the other day. by a child that is supposed to have been Charlie’s best friend. Only for that past couple weeks we have been having trouble with this child spreading rumors about Charlie. As well as hitting Charlie. Which Charlie hadn’t mentioned to me as this boy is the grandson of our landlord. So Charlie was afraid to say something as the grandfather might ask us to move. Which is truth be none, at this point I would be more than okay with that.

Now before I tell you what happened I want you to know I am sharing this incident as I would like for all parents to be aware of it and to talk to there children about these things asI don’t want it to happen to anyone else and this also includes adults.

Charlie attends a after school program called Aspire,where the children  can get extra help with their school work as well as join in extra curricular activities.

Now before we begin I would like to let you know  I have always talked to Charlie about what is appropriate and what isn’t in regards to his body and to others bodies. So I  have stressed again and again that no, one should ever touch him and if they do to come and let me know.

But now what I have learned is it isn’t only touching we need to warn our children about as it can be the things people say to our children. As this is what happened to Charlie the other day while he was in Aspire.

You see this little boy approached Charlie and said well “you can just play with my “DING A LING”. Now, I never even thought this little boy would know to say that.

So Charlie didn’t say anything to David or I as he was afraid this little boys mom wouldn’t let him play with Charlie again. Which as far as I am concerned Charlie isn’t going to be allowed to do anyway as I just don’t trust this little bo anymore.

So yesterday, while we was out shopping for Les and her new baby my phone rings and it is the Aspire Coordinator and she starts going off on a long spill and I am asking her what was said and finally she tells me.

I asked her which child it was and she says I can’t tell you but Charlie can. Now, I was able to get her to tell me if Charlie had told her and she said no, a couple other kids had over heard it happening and they mentioned it to her. So she would handle it.

But as of now I am not sure if the parents knows this has happened and I am not sure if I should bring it up to them or not. Or let the other parents in the neighborhood know because if this child says these things to Charlie how do I know he will not say it or something worse to Charlie or the other children. Or that he wouldn’t try this with someone?

So I have a question for you all how would you handle this? Please don’t be afraid to give me your advice as I am confused and scared and I want to help me son. But I also don’t want to over react and to end up getting kicked out of my apartment.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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