Charlie Is wanting To Earn Some Money

Charlie has asked for another wrestler and he had gotten one a couple days ago. So I am not willing to purchase another one for him. Especially when he traded several of his expensive wrestlers away for another wrestler and some tables and chairs.

I told Charlie the only way he can get Shawn Michaels if is he earns the money for him. So this week Charlie has been trying to find some jobs he can do and no, one wants to hire him.

Today I am letting him wash my bike at the  car wash but also the PT Cruiser and dad’s van as they are very dirty. Along with mowing our grass and weeding my plants.

I know this sounds like a lot of work and it is but I am making Charlie put up half of what he makes to use when we take our vacation this Summer. So I am going to give him $20 if he does all I ask him to do.

Then he will have $10 for his wrestler Shawn Michaels and it still cost more than that as I want Charlie to find more jobs to do. As I want him to learn how hard it is to earn money. As this will make him appreciate his wrestlers and also teach him how hard his dad works for the money he uses to purchase these wrestlers for Charlie.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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