Day 23 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge

Day 23 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge we have been asked to share a picture we have taken. Then we are to do a Call to Action and try and get that picture to go viral. Now, before I ask you to share my picture I don’t expect it to go viral because I am not a photographer. Although  I did the best I knew how to do.

Now, the question on Charlie’s shirt is “Blogging is the answer, who cares what the question is. Do you think this is true and if so why? If not why not?


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

1 thought on “Day 23 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge”

  1. Love this and I believe it is true in a lot of cases. It certainly is the case for me. Blogging has given me the creative outlet I needed and also helped in the healing process whilst recovering from illness last year. Love the T-Shirt BTW 😊

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