Day 31 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge!

Good morning, We all know October is over and unfortunately I wasn’t able to finish the Ultimate Blog Challenge and post once each day like it ask us to. So, as I was going through emails this morning I thought to myself why not go ahead and finish the challenge. As I had always been told if you start something you should finish it. So that is what I am doing this morning.

I am back today with Day 31 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and the post for Day 31 was to let  people know that today is your last day of the challenge! What did you learn? What did you enjoy? What was a hassle? Would you do it again (like… in January when we host the next one)?

You already know I am behind because I admitted that when I started this post. As for today being the last day of the post that was yesterday and as usual I am a day late. But you know what I am not going to let that stop my from finishing what I started. I learned that it is ok to start something and not finish it. Just don’t give up and move forward and trust in yourself as you can do anything you put your mind into.

As for would I do the Ultimate Blog Challenge again yes, without a doubt because I know I always grow through these challenges and they help me stay accountable. As for the next one being in January I might struggle or be overwhelmed as it is when I finish up the Christmas Gift Guide. But if I put it in Gods hands I know he will help me complete what I start.


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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