Discover the Leading Digital Library for Kids

Trying to get my family together all at the same time and out the door to go to the library isn’t working very well this Summer. So I decided to look online and see if there was another alternative.


Where Charlie would still be able to find books to read. Without us having to go to a library. Or for me to purchase books as there is times I just don’t have the money.

So as I was looking online I found a new site called Epic! Which I plan on signing Charlie up for. Epic!  is only $4.99 per month and we can sign up for the first month for free.

So today I would like to invite you to check out Epic! as you can discover the leading digital library for kids for the first month for free. As Epic! has access to over 25,000 of the best books and videos  for kids. Which means there should be a book every single child would enjoy.

Epic! also makes it easy to find the books your children are interested in as it is broken down into ages. So Charlie could either be in the 6 to 8 category or even the 9 to 12 age group. As Charlie will be 9 at Christmas.

Ilike knowing we can have up to 4 Reader profiles per account as this means I could add my niece Payton so Ganny Sherry could pick out books to read to her.

Plus, I can add Adien to the account so when he is spending the night he can also read books with Charlie. As this would allow him to help Charlie with his reading. As Aiden is a little bit ahead of Charlie. But together they can learn and support each other.

Also I can’t wait for the boys to return to school as I want to let the Principal know about Epic! because Epic! is free for elementary school teachers and librarians.

That’s it! Summer learning solved. Just make your child a list of book to read in Epic! ( or let them pick themselves from Epic’s wide-variety of fiction, non-fiction and DIY craft/experiment books) and let them go at it.

Just think you do not have to lug books on road trips or beach days. As there is no need to bring “things to do” while waiting at appointments or in restaurants.

All that learning (on topics your kids love!) is already right there on your phone, tablet or laptop. Summer learning plans…. to go!! Plus there friends can even do it with your children.




Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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