Feeling Uncomfortable In My Own Home

This week my father is visiting from out of State. So I feel like I have to walk on pins and needles. Even though he spends part of the day sitting at the dinning room table reading a book.

So when he is up I never  know if I should be trying to get him to talk. Or just be quite so he can read his book. I also don’t know if every time he moves if I should ask if he is okay or if he would like something.

So today I would like to confess this  is driving me up the wall as I have a schedule I follow and I feel like if I sit down to watch TV like I usually do that he is going to get upset. Or if I try and work on the blog  he is going to be upset.

So today as I sit at the computer and get ready to work I just shake my head as I am not sure what I should or shouldn’t do. So even though I am grateful my dad was able to come and visit this week I am struggling.

So Please say a quick Pray for my family as we all work to make sure and not upset my dad. As well as being able to get the things we need done. As my sister isn’t going to help out at all with my dad. Which frustrates me even more. Nor is my niece or nephew even though they know I need to work.

So if you have any advice on how we can handle this I sure could use some advice. As I am at a loss as to what I should or shouldn’t do. Its times like this that I miss my mom the most.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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