More Fun at Grapevine Mills Mall

More Fun at Grapevine Mills Mall

Grapevine Mills Mall Train Charlie and I Ride

This weekend as we went and walked around Grapevine Mills Mall it was fun to see which stores was still there. And which ones had left since we haven’t been there in a while. And one of the things both Charlie and I was happy to see was still there was a Train. So today I would like to share with you More Fun at Grapevine Mills Mall

Because Charlie and I used to always ride the train when he was littler. And it was fun to remind him of the times we did. And see if Charlie remembered riding the train. And he did some of the times we talked about but other times he didn’t remember.

Then David surprised Charlie and I and he paid for us to ride it again. And even though Charlie is 8 now it was just as much fun as when he was smaller. And it gave us a chance to talk and spend time together without anyone else beign around.

And we talked about Homeschool and what Charlie likes and dislikes about it. And since he has been hanging with Aidon and Charlie a lot the past two weeks I asked if he wanted to return to school. And Charlie surprised me and said no, he wants to continue with Homeschool. And I am so glad he did as I do not have to worry about someone hurting him.

And as we discussed Homeschool Charlie and I talked about things he wants to learn about and trains is one of them. So it looks like we will be taking a Field Trip to either Grapevine Mills Mall or the Stockyards to ride the trains done there. And we can come back to Grapevine Mills Mall and ride the train in here as well.

So the fun part of visiting Grapevine Mills Mall was getting to talk about Homeschool and finding things we can do together. And Field Trips we can take together. And the things Charlie wants to learn more about like Trains. And how it will allow us to get David involved in teaching Charlie as he loves Trains just as much as Charlie does.

Cates Family

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