Groupon Goods Zoobooks Animals Anatomy Set with 2 Bonus Books

A #Sponsored post for Groupon Goods and The Mommy Files.

It is time for Charlie to return to school. David, Charlie and I are still discussing if Charlie will remain at home one more year for Homeschooling or if Charlie returns to Public School. In my heart, I wouldn’t mind keeping Charlie home, but I wouldn’t want to if it isn’t what Charlie wants to do. I have placed Charlie’s schooling in Gods hands and will see how we feel as we get closer to the day to register Charlie.

No, matter what we decide on Charlie’s schooling he still needs books for his Daily Reading assignment, so this morning I would like to invite you to check out Groupon Goods Zoobooks Animals Anatomy Set with 2 Bonus Books which I plan on purchasing for Charlie this week.

After I found these books, David was outside running errands when he went to the school Charlie had attended. David ran into the Vice Principal. He asked if Charlie would be returning to school and David let him know we didn’t do. The principal let us know there would be a new principal and the other vice principal released from there positions.

With them being part of the reason Charlie is no longer in that school, now need to sit down with Charlie and decide if he will return to school because the Vice Principal has assured us things will change. Although I am still nervous and not sure I trust him and I am afraid it will keep happening. I have to place it in Gods hands and do what Charlie wishes.

No matter what we decide, I like having books and workbooks here for Charlie to use. To help promote learning during the Summer and the Holidays and if you would like to find the perfect items for your children for Back to School, check out Groupon Goods. They offer things that will make learning fun.

I looked at Groupon Goods where I also found this set of books called Art for Kids: Learn How to Draw Cartoons Online Course from Skill Success (95% Off)   which we can use for our Art class because I am horrible at drawing. If Charlie had to depend on me to teach him Art, it wouldn’t work out to well as I can’t even draw a dog.

On Groupon Goods, they offer classes we can purchase for Charlie which I can’t wait to sign Charlie up for them. The lessons Charlie takes will allow me to make sure Charlie doesn’t fall behind in school.

If you haven’t heard of Groupon Goods or used them in the past, I would like to let you know they are free to sign up. I believe they will help you save on all kinds of items not only for the home but School Supplies, clothes, jewelry home and garden items and so much more. Please take the time to check them out. If you have used Groupon in the past what did you think of it and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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