Sam Who Never Forgets

I would like to invite you to check out Eve Rice. They have came out with a new Children’s Book. I would like to let you know the new book is called Sam Who Never Forgets.

I’m always excited to announce a new children’s book because this helps Charlie practice his reading. Before you ask me yes, Charlie is struggling with his reading.

Charlie still isn’t on the grade level he should be on for school. although with all the books we’ve received I hope this will change soon and also, get Charlie to like reading.

Could Sam the zookeeper have forgotten to feed Elephant? The other zoo animals wonder. “Like Sam, Rice never, never forgets her audience.”–School Library Journal.

I have a question for you have you and your children. Have they ever read Sam Who Never Forgets by Eve Rice and if so what did you think about it and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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