Charlie and I Would Like To Say Hello

Good morning as we were facing a new day Charlie wanted to drop in and wish you a wonderful fun-filled day. Charlie would like to know what you have planned for this morning. How about your children? Charlie and I are thinking we will head out to the park this afternoon. We plan on taking out bikes and soccer ball to play a pickup game of Soccer. I hope some of Charlie’s friends are there for him to play with. Because he wears me out playing Soccer. Although it is a lot of fun and a great way to make new memories.

Image result for picture of cookies and milk

Once we get home we are going to watch movies and make some cookies. Charlie would like to make M&M Cookies and I would like to have Peanut Butter Cookies. If you were joining us in making cookies what kind would you like and why? David says he would like to have Oatmeal Raison. I hope David remembers to stop by the store and grab a gallon of milk because warm homemade cookies always need a nice cold glass of milk.

Glenda, Charlie, and David


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