#HGG Sponsor- HolidaySpecs.com & American Paper Optics

#HGG Sponsor- HolidaySpecs.com & American Paper Optics

National Sponsor

HolidaySpecs.com and American Paper Optics is a company that sells 3 D Glasses that when you look through them at the Christmas Lights they turn into shapes like Reindeers. Which I think will be fun to take with us when we go out to see the Christmas Lights this year.

As it will make it fun and different. Plus we can use them in the house once we put up the Christmas Tree or lights on the house. Which I can not wait to do. As I want to see what Charlie think of the 3D glasses I was sent from HolidaySpecs.com and also what his friends think of the 3D glasses.

I like knowing that the Holiday Specs  will fit in the stocking and he would not even know they’re in there as they are small enough to ft into the bottom of a Stocking. Two pair of Holiday Specs looks just like Sunglasses. While the others are made of paper and will be able to be used year after year.


If you have not heard of American Optics and Holiday Specs  I would like to invite you to visit American Paper Optics and Holiday Specs site with you so you can see all of the different items they carry.

Once you visit it let me know what you find on American Paper Optics and Holiday Specs and why you would like that item. As well as who you would you purchase it for and why?



Thank you from the Cates Family


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