HGG Sponsor Pumpkin Books has joined us!!

HGG Sponsor Pumpkin Books has joined us!!


I am so happy to announce Pumpkin Books has joined us. As I love giving children books for Christmas. As reading is so important and can help them the rest of there lives. So with Charlie struggling with reading I knew              Pumpkin Books would make a perfect gift for Charlie as well as the other children we need to purchase gifts for. Once Peanut’s Mistake arrived and I saw the little girl on the cover I wasn’t sure Charlie would like it but we read it last night and Charlie feel in love with it. He says Peanut reminds him of his dog Max.

The second book I was sent was called Imagine and I loved it as I loved all the colors inside the book.  As well as the cover of the book is cute. Charlie and I read Imagine and as we did we tried to imagine new things which led to use telling our own stories and drawing pictures together. Which was good as it helped us spend time together and we was able to create new memories while working on Charlies reading skills.

So this morning when he went to school I put both books I was sent up so I can wrap them and put them under the Christmas Tree. But I bet you this upsets Charlie as he really did enjoy reading both of the books from Pumpkin Books. Plus he likes knowing there is more of them and wants to look for them at the Book Store we go to.

I told him to look at the school library and see if they have any of them there. If not we could run up to the public library and see if they have them there. As I would like to have him read each one of them as they teach valuable lessons and if he likes them as much as the two he has I can get the rest of them for him for Christmas.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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