All About Plants Week One

I thought we would share All About Plants Week One. Charlie and I can’t wait until we are able to put together a garden. Come and join us as you can grow items both inside and outside your home. Charlie and I are thinking of putting together a Herb Garden for ourselves and all so my mother in law and my sister because plants make nice Gifts.
Homeschooling Plants Week
For our plant study, Charlie are I are going to be “Growing Our Own Pizza Garden”. Charlie and if I have it my way I also want to grow a Salad garden. So I went and picked up the items we needed for our Garden this morning and I would like to invite you to join us and start your own Garden.
With Charlie and I studying Plants you could do a Flower Garden, Herb Garden like we are. or even a Vegetable Garden. I hope you enjoy this week’s Homeschooling Resource Plants Week. I have a question for you have studied Plants in your homeschooling and have resources you think Charlie and I should check into leave me a comment below as I love checking out new blogs and making new friends.
 Mommies Pizza Garden
I would like to challenge you in your Garden to plant items you and your family can and would eat. Charlie and I decided to grow both a Herb Garden and a Salad Garden. We can have dinner and invite our friends and family over to have Pizza and Salad with us.
I am not sure we will get it finished, but I may even try and make our own Pizza Crust since we haven’t done this I would like to ask if you have suggestions and a recipe you can share with us. Also, have you ever made Homemade Pizza Sauce if so can you share the recipe with us as  I want to make Homemade Pizza Sauce from our Garden at the end of Summer.
PLANT LIFE (it’s time to work on your pizza garden!)
 WORDS for the WEEK 15
“A friend loves at all times”
Proverbs 17:17
TITLE: A Seed Needs
 I see you are a seed,
Tell me what do you need,
I need some soil to grow,
 And then the sun to glow,
Water to make me wet,
Air for my leaves to get,
 Space for my roots to spread,
Now I’m a plant.
Altogether the Poem is–>
TITLE: A Seed Needs
 I see you are a seed,
Tell me what do you need,
I need some soil to grow,
And then the sun to glow,
Water to make me wet,
Air for my leaves to get,
Space for my roots to spread,
Now I’m a plant.
DAY 5–
 Repeat Copy from Day 4


Plant Detective!

Find all the “PLANTS and or SEEDS” you eat every day in your home! Write them down in your notebook!
Hint– “popcorn counts!”
 Activity –#2
MAKE Your OWN Garden Tags
Take a piece of paper and fold it into fours! Then cut the squares out. Color each
with the name of the herbs you are growing in your “pizza garden”
Sample– Tomato, Oregano, Basil
 Activity #3
When at the park! Take pictures of DIFFERENT LEAVES and Name the Tree!
BE CAREFUL with Poison Ivy if you’ve got any around!
 Activity #4
Guess the riddles! Have them write the answers!:
1) I start with the letter “W” and plants need me to grow (water).
2) I am tiny and start with the letter “S.” I am a baby plant (seed).
3) I am big and tall and people use me to build houses (tree).
4) I protect trees from disease and start with the letter “B” (bark).
5) I am very warm and plants can’t grow without me. I start with the letter “L” (light).
MATH Activities–
Count them up! Take a handful of seeds and add and subtract the seeds.
Write your math problems down. Explain how you came to the answer.

For more resources on Plants, I would like to invite you to check               The Homeschool Mom as she has Lesson Plans for Plants. Charlie and I will be using some of her resources this week. specializes in Homeschooling Resources and you will find a plant study called Ch 23: Plant Biology. I would like to let you know I haven’t used any of the lessons on as I just found it but I will be looking into these classes and see if they fit in with what Charlie and I are Studying. I hope you take the time to check out as well and if you have used it in the past what did you think of it?

Guest Hollow is another website I found 15.2 Four Types of Plants. I like knowing 15.2 Four Types of Plants is a free resource.

Ellen McHenry’s Basement Workshop

On Ellen McHenry’s Basement Workshop you will find activities you can do as a family. Charlie and  I like knowing the activities include coloring and a Scavenger Hunt we can do to together. Not only that there is games Charlie can play.

The last site I would like to share with you is Hip Homeschool Moms which offers us How To Start Homeschooling Garden only I’m going to take it a step further and see if our neighbors would like to start a community Garden.

I can’t wait to sit down and read the reasons the owner of this blog suggest Homeschoolers should have a garden and I hope you take the time to read the article as well.

Be watching for Day 2 of Plants when Charlie and I will be sharing what were replanting in our Garden. We will share were we purchase the plants from.

We’ll be showing you how and where we planted the plants at. Before we get started I would like to know if you have any tips for us as this is the first time were planting a Garden.

If your wondering if were planting a Flower Garden or Vegetable Garden. The question is its a Vegetable Garden but our Garden only contains Herb ingredients to make a Salad with.

Let me tell you I’m both scared and nervous I’m afraid we’ll fail in gardening but I believe the garden could be a success. Or at least I hope so for Charlie’s sake because he’s so excited and can’t wait to begin.

I would like to remind you if you click on some of the links in this post they my affiliate link. If you make a purchase through those links I will make a small percentage of any sales you make.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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