January 2018 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day #1

Like any blogger who participates in Blogger events at any given time, I knew January 2018 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day #1 would begin on the first Day of July.

I spent most of the last year waiting for the Ultimate Blog Challenge to start. Although when I received the notice to sign up, I was on the fence. Should I join or shouldn’t I? Could I blog once a day or couldn’t I?

Ultimate Blog Challenge

Did I want to commit to 31 days of writing? So as you can see its Day 2, and the more I watched on Facebook and saw people posting links to there post. The more torn I was and then out of the clear blue sky one of my best friends in the entire world reached out to me to make sure I was ready for 2018.  Here I am and I would like to welcome you to January 2018 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day #1.

To grow, I knew I would need to join as many Blog challenges as I could find. This morning after sitting with my son who isn’t feeling well and feeling like I wasn’t getting anything accomplished. I heard myself telling me to breathe and that its one step in front of the other.

Then David came home and reminded me that if I just take the time to believe in myself and the things I want to happen this year they could happen. Then I asked my son what he thought as he has launched his new blog. Even though Charlie is ten he has decided to join me in Ultimate Blog Challenge.

I would like to let you know if you’re afraid you will not have anything to share the Ultimate Blog Challenge Day #1. will send out prompts to help us. Although since I just signed up today, I missed the first two prompts although I am pretty sure the first prompt would be to introduce ourselves and to let you know why we started our blogs.

As you all know I chose to blog because the blog allowed me to remain at home with Charlie. For a while, we were homeschooling Charlie. Although now he is back in public school and I have thought of quitting and getting a job. But both Charlie and David have asked me to keep blogging because this is what makes me happy and I am here if they need me for anything

You say you haven’t heard about the Ultimate Blog Challenge click on that link which will explain what Ultimate Blog Challenge is. Or you have and haven’t signed up  join us. There is still time for anyone, who would like to grow there blogs and make new friends this year through the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

Including in the challenge will be seminars we can as attend which will help us grow our sites. If your wondering who will be hosting the classes it is Paul B. Taubman II & Danni Ackerman from the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

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Join the FREE Ultimate Blog Challenge. Increase traffic to your blog!  #blogboost

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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