Jessica Black Is a Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Jessica Black Is a Young Living Essential Oils Distributor who attended the American Legion Post #655 Benefit Craft Show last Saturday as we worked to raise money to send kids to Boy & Girls State.

As I was walking around trying to make sure everything was set up and that everyone was happy with there spaces I started to stress a little. Now, at a event like this it is perfectly normal to stress.

So I was afraid it would lead to a Headache as I always end up with Migraines when I am pushed like this. So I was heading to find some Advil when Jessica walked up asked me if I would like to De-Stress.

Since I wasn’t sure if it would or wouldn’t work as I hadn’t ever tried it I went ahead and said yes,, let me tell you if did work and I hope to be able to purchase some to keep in my purse at all times.

I also want to try some of the other oils as I know they would be a lot healthier for my family than some of the medicine out on the market at this time.

So if you haven’t heard of Young Living Essential Oils I hope you will take the time to contact Jessica and ask her about the Oils as well as the business opportunity. Because if we do begin to use the oils I may join as I can host parties or set up at events and make some extra money. Which would be a God send to my family.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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