Math Read and Write Numbers Through Ten Thousands

Math Read and Write Numbers Through Ten Thousand Read and Write Numbers Through Ten Thousand

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The highest mountain peak in Washington is Mount Rainier. It has a height of 14,409 feet.
What is the value of the digit 1 in 14,409?

You can use a place value chart. The place to the left of the thousands place is the ten-thousands place.

Ten Thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

The value of the digit 1 in 14,409 is 1 ten thousand, 10,000.

You can write this number in different ways. Word form is one way to write a number using words.

Fourteen Thousand, Four Hundred Nine

Expanded form is a way to write a number by showing the value of each digit. 10,000+4000+400+9

The standard form is a way to write a number using the digits 0 to 9, with each digit having a place value.


Math Ideal

The location of a digit in a number tells its value. Math Talk Mathematical Processes

How could you model 14,409 with base-ten blocks?

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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