Monday, January 16th Is Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday, January 16th Is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Charlie kept telling me yesterday that he would be out of school on Monday.. Only I couldn’t figure out why. As I woke up this morning I remembered Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I asked Charlie if he knew anything about Martin Luther King.

Charlie surprised me and told me Martin Luther King Jr. had written a speech and that the speech began with                  I Have A Dream.  I knew Charlie had that part right but when he asked me about the rest of the poem I had to admit I didn’t know the poem.

Charlie and I looked up Martin Luther King Jr’s speech and discussed what the speech said and why we thought Martin Luther King would begin his speech with I Have A Dream.

I have a question for you “Do you have a dream?” If so can you share your dream with us? Does your children have dreams? Would they share there dream with us?

Charlie was leaving for school today I wanted to have worksheets Charlie could work on Monday. Before I began work I went and found worksheets Charlie and I will use and I would like to share them with you.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Copywork – Print – MLK

For more resources on Martin Luther King. Jr you can check out Teachers Pay Teachers

I hope you and your family enjoyed these resources for Martin Luther King Jr. If you have resources for children that teaches them about Martin Luther King Jr.  come share them with us.
I know I can use more resources to share with Charlie. In the meantime don’t forget in this post you will find my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage of the purchase.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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