Motivational Quote Sundays- “Falling down is how we grow

Motivational Quote Sundays- “Falling down is how we grow

Motivational Quote Sundays

 Staying down is how we die.” ~Brian Vaszily

Brian Vaszily Quote

I have a question for you this morning. What does this quote mean to you and how does it affect your life? Is it something you can or can not relate to and why or why not?

Have you heard of Brain Vaszily and if so what do you think of him and his quote? Is he someone you follow and if so why or why not? Is there someone you like better and if so who?

Is there a quote you would like to share with us this morning and if so would you leave us a link to the quote to check out. As I need all the motivation I can get this morning. As I am struggling with so many things its unreal.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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