When A Parent Sends There Child To School

When a parent sends there child to school they should be safe. We shouldn’t have to wonder if they’re going to get hurt. If they do we shouldn’t have to wonder if the school is going to call us to let us know.  Now, you might be asking me why I am posting these questions although if you follow me on Facebook then you may already know what happened to Charlie.


Last Thursday David and I were out running errands and having lunch together. As we knew Charlie was in school and would be safe.  If the school needed to reach us they could reach Charlie’s grandmother and she would get ahold of David and me. Once we got home I begin to work and David left to go up to the school to ask the teacher about a project Charlie had that needed done.

Neither of us suspected Charlie had gotten hurt. So David goes up and waits for Charlie’s class to be dismissed. Once David sees Charlie’s teacher he walks up to talk to her about the project. Before David says anything. Mrs. Kendall lets David know Charlie had fallen in class and hit the table. She thought he blacked out.  Instead of taking Charlie to the nurse. She told Charlie to go on our for recess.

Charlie says he asked to go to the Nurse as his head was hurting. By the time David found out Charlie had a knot of his head and there was a bruise. David brings Charlie home and Charlie keeps trying to go to sleep. David and I keep him up. We head to the ER to check and see if Charlie has a concussion which I would like to Thank God for Charlie didn’t have.

So we have a Doctors notice and Charlie will not be returning to school until Wednesday. His principal is supposed to talk to Mrs. Kendall on Monday. Although,  I am sure she will say Charlie didn’t tell her his head hurt. I just hope and Pray she doesn’t try and make things harder on Charlie since we said something. I also hope the kids don’t bully Charlie even more.

Because what you don’t know is one of the children in Charlie’s classroom tripped Charlie and caused him to hit the table. So even with a room full of kids no, one saw who tripped Charlie. Although once again the principal is going to talk to the classroom on Monday and see if he can find out what happens. But we all know the kids even if they saw it happen aren’t going to say they saw it. As they are going to protect their friends.

Through all this, I have had to keep reassuring Charlie that when he returns on Wednesday if something else happens he can walk out of the classroom and go up to the office and call me and I will come up there. As Charlie has been having bad dreams about returning to school on Wednesday and I can’t say I blame him. Although because the principal called on Saturday to check on Charlie. His grandmother doesn’t think anything else bad will happen.

But David and I are Charlie’s parents and neither of us is 100% sure we want Charlie to return to school on Monday. So I have been Praying and talking to a lot of friends as I try and decide what is best for Charlie. As I did this David’s mom called and let me know we have to keep Charlie in school. As he needs the socialization and will be going to middle school in a year.

I can understand her concerns but this is my son and I don’t feel safe with Charlie returning to school. So again today I am Placing things in Gods hands and when we return home from an event I have to attend. Which is a job for the blog I will resume researching Home School and other public schools in our area? Just in case something else does happen on Wednesday.

So Please Pray for Charlie, David and I as well as the school, students, and teachers. As I don’t want anyone to lose their job but I don’t want anyone else to face what we are facing and not be notified that their child was hurt. As this isn’t right.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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