Sandi Is and Always Will Be My baby.

Sandi Is and Always Will Be My baby even though to some people she might just be a dog. Only this morning something was wrong with Sandi. Only  I am not sure what it was wrong and it is worrying me. As I don’t want anything to happen to Sandi. As I have lost dogs in the past that meant a lot to me. But not half  as much as Sandi.

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Sandi was given to me when she was just a puppy from David as I had lost my daughter and was so lost. That David knew I needed something to love. And Sandi was the perfect gift as she helped me deal with Suzzanes death. When I was given Sandi  was so tiny that she could fit inside my pocket. And I would take Sandi everywhere with me. And Sandi even had a pink dress and purple coat.

But the years have gone on and Sandi is getting older and I worry about her. As I was given Sandi in 2006. Which makes Sandi pretty old and her health is showing it as the other day she had a Seizure.

Then this morning when I was working Sandi was at my feet and wanted to be picked up and ended up biting me to get my attention. Which she hasn’t ever done before. So it makes me wonder if something is wrong.

So Please Pray for my family and also for Sandi as I would hate for something to happen to her. And as I watch her each day I am thinking she is having trouble seeing.

Do you have pet that is like one of your children? If so leave me a link to see a picture of your baby. As Charlie and I love seeing everyone’s pets and getting to know things about them.

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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