Tag: anti-aging medicine

Natural remedies for getting rid of that pesky morning aftermath hangover:

Good afternoon, How are you today? Are you ready for Christmas and New Year’s? As for me I am not quite ready but I hope to be finished no, later than tomorrow. Although we have Charlie’s Birthday party tomorrow so I might not be able to finish my shopping and wrapping until Friday. So, in …

Natural remedies for getting rid of that pesky morning aftermath hangover: Read More »

Natural and less expensive alternatives that will have your skin thriving

Good morning, As the weather starts to change and it gets colder and we have been having more rain. Charlie and my skin has been getting more and more chapped so this morning I would like to share some ” natural and less expensive alternatives that will have your skin thriving without breaking the bank.” …

Natural and less expensive alternatives that will have your skin thriving Read More »

Dr. Christopher Calapai medicine cabinet must-haves for the summer

Even though Summer is over before we know it school will be out and we will be facing Summer again, and I thought I would share tips with you from Dr. Calapai’s, medicine cabinet which includes must-haves for the summer. Because with children I know most of these items are must-haves in my home and …

Dr. Christopher Calapai medicine cabinet must-haves for the summer Read More »

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