Ultimate Blogging Challenge Day #6 Social Media Tips

As a Blogger, I have learned how important SEO and Social Media are to bloggers but things change all the time. Which means I am always taking classes and reading books and checking out websites.  I would like to grow as a Blogger once again I was on Facebook and I found a post on Pinterest. The new post is Social Media Tips for Bloggers. You can find the article on Mashable.

Mashable is a new website for me but one I will be visiting again as I can’t wait to see what other tips they have to help us Bloggers out. Is there a website you use? Or a class or website you would recommend us visiting? .Let me know if you visit Mashable and what you found useful.

Another new site I plan on investing in this year is Grammarly as it helps with spelling and punctuation. I wanted to use the free version but just after having it for a couple hours I can tell I need to invest in the paid version if I want to continue to grow as a blogger. So once David is home I am going to ask him if I can sign up for three months. Once I do and start to use it I will let you know if it helps improve readers to my site.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Charlie

16 thoughts on “Ultimate Blogging Challenge Day #6 Social Media Tips”

  1. I agree as bloggers we constantly need to be up to date with the social media… We become half techies. Sometimes it gets a little too much though. I’ll check that link…thanks a lot!

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