Valentines Day Coupons

Are your children looking for a Valentine’s Day Gift for their parents or grandparents? If so, I have the perfect Gift for them. It is a set of coupons your child can give them to turn to them during the year. Which guarantees they will get plenty of one-on-one time with their family. I can’t wait for Charlie to print his out and see who he gives them to.

Valentines Coupons

I bet, he makes two sets of coupons one for his Aunt Debbie who he doesn’t see very much and misses a lot. Then the second set will go to his Granny Sherry as they haven’t been able to spend as much time together as Charlie likes. One they have been together there has always been other people there. I am hoping with Charlie giving her the coupons that they will be able to spend one on one time together.

I can even see Charlie printing out a copy of the coupons so he and his dad can spend some time together. As David is always busy and even though he says he will he gets busy and forgets. I was surprised the coupons didn’t say play a video game with me as this is what they like to do together. As well as watch movies together. Or play a game of Soccer.

Now, you might be wondering if I will receive a page of coupons from Charlie and I don’t think so because he and I are always together and do things together. A lot of time, David is at work. Or tired and doesn’t want to play outside with Charlie or me. So, I don’t expect a Valentine’s Day Gift from Charlie as I get them each and every day when he spends time with me.

As for these coupons you can put them in an envelope to mail them or take them to the people your children want to give them to. As Charlie and I plan on cutting ours out and making them into a book with a handwritten note for everyone we give them to. This way the note will remind them all year long that Charlie was thinking of them.  If you plan on doing this, it can count as Writing or Art if you’re homeschooling your children.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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