What Do Sunday’s Mean To You?

Good morning, Happy Sunday to you and your family. This morning I have a question for you and your family: “What does  Sunday’s mean to you and also to your Family? For  David and I when Charlie was born we had agreed to always keep Sunday’s for Charlie. Which means it would be fine for David to work on Saturdays. So we would get up earlu on Sunday and have Breakfast and if Charlie attended Church with my sister we would run all the errands we had to do.

Then we would pick Charlie up from Sunday school or Church which ever he asked to be picked up from. We would stop and have lunch somewhere then we would do anything Charlie choose for the day. From a movie to swimming or just hanging out at home watching him play on his game system. As the whole point to this was teaching Charlie how important family is and that we should always make time for our children.

Only God had different plans for our family as I started my own business so I would have events on Saturday and David would have to take  off so I could work and he could watch Charlie. Then when I stopped doing the events on Saturdays we thought we would be able to have David talk to his boss about getting Sunday’s off or at least keeping Saturday as his day off as we could do things then as well.

Although God had other plans for our family and David had to being working on the weekends. Which was fine because I thought they would rotate and he would get one Saturday or Sunday off a month. Although once again God had other plans for us and that didn’t work. David had to work every weekend and the middle of the day shift. Which meant we couldn’t do anything at all on the weekend.

Which was okay as it gave Charlie and I time together and it brought us closer together. But it affected David and Charlies relationship. As they wasn’t able to do things together and Charlie started to resent David and also his job So once again I just placed it in “God’s” hands as I knew David and Charlie would need to fix this problem on there own. So finally they came to terms with Davids hours and are closer than ever.

Then once again God Blessed us with a job where David was going to be off on the  weekends which was perfect for our family. As  we was able to spend a lot of quality time together. Only God had other plans for us and once again David is working on the weekends. So now we are trying to rebuild and regroup and figure things out before Charlie returns to school in  a month. As this will keep them from being able to do things together. Plus it will keep David from attending Charlies Soccer game.

So here lately all I have been hearing from Charlie is how much he is going to miss his dad once school resumes and Sports so I have been trying to come up with something fun just the two of them to do together. Which I haven’t decided what it will be but I hope to get it figured out soon.

So this morning as I sat down to work this great quote appeared in my email and I can tell you it is the truth. Because as of now I don’t know where our family is going. But what I can tell you is we will be going to new places together. Unless God has other plans for us as I am fully relying on God to show us the way to fix this problem. Or to lead David to a new job.

So with Summer upon us I Pray for us to have a new and successful year and for things to get easier for us. As well as David getting on a more stable schedule so he an Charlie can spend more time together. I pray both of our businesses continue to soar. As well as us finding our forever home and that we can travel more this year than last year. Because  I need to spend more time with my dad before he isn’t here.

So my question for you is what  are your plans for the new school year? As well as what did you think about the motivational quote I shared with you? Does it fit into any aspect of you or your families lives and if so why or why not?

Thank you for taking the time to read “What Do Sunday’s Mean To You?”and  I hope you enjoyed this motivational quote, and I have a question for you what is your favorite thing to do on Sundays as well as your favorite meal to make for dinner?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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