Wordless Wednesday: Valentines Cookies

Wordless Wednesday: Valentine Cookies

Wordless Wednesday Announcement

Good morning, how are you? I just walked in from taking Charlie to school this morning as he had to retake a math test.  Please Pray for Charlie that he passes this test and that he has a fantastic day today.  So here I am working on this week’s Wordless Wednesday post. Which I have decided will be about Valentines Cookies.

As I thought we would celebrate Valentines when Charlie gets home from school this afternoon. Since I wanted to do something fun and different with Charlie, I thought we would make some Sugar Cookies. So come and join us as I have a recipe for you below as well as all the items you will need to make your own Sugar Cookies.

Mommies Reviews Wordless Wednesday Feb

Sugar Cookie Recipe

Link up your Wordless Wednesday posts here!

Wordless Wednesday (WW) is not only about my pictures. It’s also about pictures that I find inspirational to the topic and have full permission to use! All Opinions are my own!

Inside this post are my affiliate links from Amazon as I am an affiliate for Amazon and if you click on the links and make a purchase, I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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