Wordless Wednesday Theme: Pensive

Good morning, How are you this afternoon? As we get ready to leave town I wanted to share a new Wordless Wednesday with you. This weeks new Theme is called Pensive.

Which I have been the last couple weeks or you might even call it “MOODY”. As I am getting more and more apprehensive about purchasing this home. As I just don’t trust Tommy and I can’t get David to listen to me. So this morning I would like to ask if you would Pray for us.

As I could use some calming breaths especially with us leaving town this evening to visit my father in Oklahoma and to pick up the down payment for this trailer.

Wordless Wednesday Announcement

Wordless Wednesday – Theme: Pensive

Wordless Wednesday Theme Pensive

Taking it all in, One Breath at a Time
What scenery makes you just stop and think about LIFE?

Link up your Wordless Wednesday posts here!

Wordless Wednesday (WW) is not only about my pictures. It’s also about pictures that I find inspirational to the topic and have full permission to use! All Opinions are my own!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates