Friday Spelling Test and Free Day!!

Friday Spelling Test and Free Day!!

Good morning, I try and not do to much school work on Friday and use it for a fun day. And Charlie and I do a Craft. Or we get out the Board Games and just play games all day. After we do the Spelling test and go over our Memory Verse we have to do for the week. So this morning you need to have your childen take a Spelling test.  And also recite there Memory Verse. And come share with Charlie and I how well they do. And make Friday Spelling Test and Free Day!! a lot of fun so the kids do not dread test day.



And then I have Charlie rechis Memory Verse for the week. And if he gets a 80 or above I pick new words and a new verse for the following week. If not we just work on the ones from this week.

So next week we will be continuing our studies on Frogs and we invite you to join us. And be watching ater today as I will be posting Charlies grades on both test. And what games we play today.

And if you would like something fun todo today for a Craft Elle found this Frog for Charlie and I to make. And with David being home today he will be able to help us. And I can not wait to get started and neither can Charlie.

How To Make A Paper Jumping Frog Orgami

And so you have time to find items you would like to study next week I would like to remind you we will be continuing with Frogs through next Friday. So if you have items you think would fit into this lesson Plan come share them with us. And if this is your first visit it isn’t to late to study Frogs with us. And we would love to have you.

So enjoy Friday Spelling Test and Free Day!! And come join us this evening as we will be going to a childrens School Carnival to hang out and have some fun this evening. And they have all kinds of games for Charlie to play. I can’t wait to go.

Frog Life Cycle Activity Pack

Cates Family