King of Pop Hickory Maple Bacon Kettle Corn


Charlie would like for me to let you know he is here this morning with a review on behalf of King of Pop and there Maple-Bacon Kettle Corn which was inside the Beer Tub David received at Christmas from inside the Fall Seasonal Beer Bucket. The thoughts in this review are mine and my families and no, one else.

Once we sawMaple-Bacon Kettle Corn package I wasn’t sure I could get Charlie to try it as it had Bacon on it. So I opened it and put it in a bowl and took it into his room for him and his friends to try. Once they all tasted it I asked them what they thought of it and they all liked it a lot. I showed them the bag and they were surprised to see it had a Maple-Bacon Flavor but enjoyed it and would like for me to purchase it for them when I purchase groceries.

I was able to snag a little bit for David to try and he said they liked the taste although he isn’t much of a Kettle Popcorn person. David asked if he would be able to take the bag to work to show his employees as he thought they might enjoy this new snack. Once David got home I asked him what they thought of it and he said they wanted to order some for the Break Room.

I was the only one that didn’t try it out as it wasn’t on my Diet although I love Kettle Corn and I would eat Bacon 24/7 if I could. The only thing I wasn’t sure about was the Maple Flavor as I don’t care for it and usually, it is too sweet. So I figured it would have a lot of Sugar so I checked out the ingredients and I was wrong about as there are only 7 grams of Sugar so it wouldn’t be that bad for me.

I just wish I had been able to take it to my Nephew and his friend Matt to try as they both love Bacon and anything to do with Bacon. Along with David’s daughter Lily who loves both Bacon and Popcorn. So I am thinking about ordering this for both David and Matt for Father’s Day and they can share it with there families.

I might wait until Christmas and order a variety of King of Pop Popcorn to give to my sister Debbie as she lives with my nephew and they can have this on there Game Night or Movie Night. Or she could take it to work in place of the snack she usually takes to work with her. As the popcorn would be a new and healthy snack for her as she is also trying to lose weight.

I like knowing this comes in a small package as it is the perfect size for Charlie’s lunch and would fit inside his lunch bag. Beng able to purchase the items individually would allow me to busy just as much as I need and not end up with leftover bags that would go stale. Or a big bag that is opened and can’t be closed back and it ends up being wasted.

Hickory Maple-Bacon Kettle Corn

From $1.10 per bag

 Product ID: KPSR097

It’s a known fact that bacon makes everything better and popcorn is no exception; our Hickory Maple-Bacon Kettle Corn is pretty much perfection in a bag. Sweet kettle corn gets tossed with our proprietary blend of spices, lea

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates