Candles to Set the Mood: Knowing the Scents and Using Them for Special Moments

candles to set the mood on

 What’s the best way to set the mood? Candles, of course! Whether you’re looking to have some quality “me” time, create a lively atmosphere for a gathering, or prepare an intimate setting for a romantic night, candles are sure to hit the spot.

But with so many different types of candles and scents available on today’s market, it can be hard to know which candles will make your space feel just right.

But don’t worry! We’ll guide you through everything you need to know about choosing candles to set the mood. From the various types of candle scents and their effects to choosing the best scented candles, you will learn everything here. So, read on!

Types of Candle Scents and Their Effects

There are different types of scents for candles, each of which can create its own unique atmosphere. Let us pore over the most popular fragrances and what effects they have on human emotion.

Floral Scents

Candles with floral fragrances, such as lavender, jasmine, and rose can create a calming atmosphere, helping you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

These mood candles are a great option to have in the bedroom, meditation space, or other areas where you would like to create a tranquil ambiance. With that said, they will be perfect if you just want to unwind and relax.

So, if you are an active person and need some R&R, candles with floral scents are definitely a must-have.

Citrus Scents

If you are looking for an energizing atmosphere, candles with citrus fragrances, such as orange, lemon, and lime will be perfect. Citrus candles create a crisp and uplifting smell that is sure to give you the boost of energy you need to get your day going.

So, if it is been a long day at work or school, and you would like something to help lighten your mood, these are good candle smells to have around.

Woody Scents

The best romantic candles are those with woody fragrances, such as sandalwood and cedar. These candles will fill the room with an enticing aroma that is sure to create a romantic mood for any special occasion. So, if you plan on having an intimate dinner or candlelit date night with your partner, candles with woody scents are just what you need.

Spicy Scents

Candles with spicy fragrances, like cinnamon or pumpkin, remind us of warm feelings of nostalgia, making us feel at home. These candles are perfect for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere during the colder months, such as fall and winter.

So, if the weather outside is frightful, and you want to bring the warmth indoors, candles with spicy scents will do just that.

Apart from these popular scents, candles with other fragrances, such as vanilla, peppermint, and ocean breeze, exist too. These scents also have unique effects on human emotion, so it is best to experiment and find candles that work for you.

Feel free to explore and then create a candle mood guide that you can refer to in the future.

Setting Up Scented Candles for Special Occasions and Moments

Apart from knowing the types of candle scents to set the mood, it is also important to know how to set up candles for special occasions and moments.

“Me” Times

You might think that setting up candles for yourself will be as simple as placing candles in any area of your house. However, you can make it more special for yourself by adding candles to areas that are meaningful for you.

For example, if you have a favorite reading nook, why not light up candles there and set the mood? Or, if you have an outdoor space where you usually relax and unwind from stress, adding some candles with calming scents, like lavender, there will add an extra layer of relaxation.

Just because you are lighting up a scented candle for yourself does not mean that it cannot be special. So, go ahead and make your “me” times momentous!

Aromatherapy Sessions

Aromatherapy has been around for centuries, and candles are often used in aromatherapy sessions, along with essential oils. However, modern scented candles can now be utilized on their own as scent therapy candles.

You can start by placing candles with relaxing scents around your bedroom or living room in an area where you want to carry out your sessions. You can also light candles in your bathroom to make your after-session baths a lot more pleasing.

Parties and Gatherings

When it comes to candles for birthday parties and other gatherings, fruity smells, like raspberry or lemon verbena, can help liven up the atmosphere. And again, citrus candles are also good options, as they will create a cheerful vibe that will make your guests feel energized and excited.

You can use candles to set the mood right at the start by placing them near your entryway or at the center of your dining area. You can also light some near the cake for a special moment when everyone sings, “Happy Birthday”.

Adding festive scents, such as vanilla or cinnamon, will make your events even more memorable!

Romantic Nights with Your Partner

From the dining room to the bedroom, sensual scented candles can evoke feelings of warmth and intimacy with your partner.

When setting up your table, you can use a scented candle as part of the centerpiece. With its inviting glow, it not only creates a romantic atmosphere but also makes your special night even more magical. However, when choosing a scent for this setting, makes sure that it is not too overpowering, so it does not distract your partner from enjoying the food and wine.

As for setting up your bedroom, you can place candles in different directions to create a special lighting effect. Opt for candles with romantic scents, such as rose and jasmine, to bring more depth to the experience.

What to Avoid When Setting Up and Lighting Scented Candles

person lighting up some mood candles on


While scented candles make moments special, it is also important to remember that they can be dangerous if not handled properly. Here are some things to avoid when setting up and lighting candles.

  • Always keep candles away from flammable objects, such as curtains, carpets, and furniture.
  • Make sure candles are not near sources of heat, such as fireplaces, microwave ovens, and radiators.
  • Put candles on a sturdy surface that can withstand the heat.
  • Do not leave candles unattended for long periods of time.
  • Trim the wick of your scented candles before each use, as long wicks can increase the chances of fire hazards.
  • Never use candles with cracked glass containers or broken wicks.

By taking safety precautions when using scented candles, you can make sure to set the mood without worrying about any potential risks.

Factors to Consider When Buying Scented Candles to Set the Mood

Unlike buying regular scented candles, there are particular things that you need to consider when buying candles to set the mood. Here is a checklist for you.

  • Scent
  • Design
  • Size
  • Burning Time


Once again, the scents play an important role in setting the mood. So, make sure to choose candles with scents that will help you create the atmosphere you want.


The design of candles can also have an effect on their ability to set the mood. Candles come in various shapes and sizes, so choose one that will best fit your set-up. For example, candles shaped like stars or hearts can be used for a romantic night, while candles with unique designs are great for parties or special occasions.


Candles come in different sizes, from mini candles to large jars, so it is important to pick one depending on where you are going to place it. If you plan to put candles around your house, then it would be better to opt for candles in small sizes.

Burning Time

You should also consider how long your candles can burn, as they will be a significant factor in how long you will enjoy your moments. When shopping, check their burn times and make sure that you have enough candles when setting up.

Other Factors to Consider

Apart from those listed above, there are also other things to keep in mind to ensure good value for money when buying scented candles.


Make sure that candles are made with natural ingredients, such as essential oils, to get the best scent. It is also better to find those which are made of soy wax or beeswax, instead of paraffin wax, as candles made from these materials burn brighter and cleaner. Of course, they are also safer for your health and the environment.


It is also essential to look for candles from trusted brands. Usually, these candles are made with quality materials and are highly fragrant. Plus, they will last longer than candles from unknown brands.


Candle prices can range from affordable to expensive, depending on the size and materials used. Make sure to consider your budget before buying candles.

However, you should strike a balance between price and quality. If candles are too cheap, they may be of poor quality. As for expensive candles, make sure to check their quality to ensure you are truly getting your money’s worth.

How to Shop for Scented Candles Today

The quickest and most convenient way to shop for scented candles today would be through the internet. When you buy mood candles online, you can easily find candles with different sizes, designs, and scents. Plus, you do not even have to leave your house to get them.

You can also read reviews from other customers to get an idea of the quality of the candles before buying them. This way, you will be able to choose candles that will match your desired atmosphere perfectly!

Start Setting the Mood with Scented Candles Now!

So, there you have it! With our tips, we hope you find the perfect candles to set the mood and make your interior spaces livelier, more inviting, and more relaxing. Remember, candles are not only for decoration but also to create a pleasing ambiance. By making the right choices, you can achieve any of that. Now it is time to pick out candles and start setting the mood!

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