Charlie made me so

Charlie made me so Proud because Charlie worked so hard in our yard other day. Our landlord hired a gentleman to cut the trees down around our home.  Charlie and David watched the guys cutting the trees down and how they weren’t taking the Trees out to the street the way they needed to be. As I watched I saw Charlie looking at the tree.

Trees and Charlie

David grabbed a couple of the big trees and started to pull them out to the street.  I could see Charlie was struggling with coming back into the house to play his game or to help David out with the trees.  I saw David start to ask Charlie. I asked David not to as I wanted to see what Charlie would decided to do on his own.


Low and behold Charlie started to pull the trees out to the street. Even when David stopped pulling the trees out to the street Charlie kept on pulling them out and stacking the Trees up. Once Charlie finished  the gentleman working on the house said he did a better job than the man he had working for him.

Trees 2

All I can say is I have an awesome kind caring little boy. I was so Proud of Charlie and I’m blessed to have such a hard worker.  I can not wait to pick up a surprise for Charlie for all of his hard work. No, I know I shouldn’t pay Charlie for doing things around the house but this wasn’t his job. Charlie went above and beyond the call of duty and I want to show him I appreciate him.

Trees 3

I would like to ask you to come and share a good deed your children have done and what it made you feel like. Do this type of thing all the time or do you have to remind them. Because I know no, one is perfect so I do have to remind Charlie sometimes.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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