I Found Hockey For Free For Our Children

I Found Hockey For Free For Our Children

As I was online this morning I found out that All boys and girls ages 5-14 can come try hockey… for FREE!!! No experience necessary equipment  needed for this fun opportunity.

Now, Hockey isn’t something Charlie, David or I have done before but Charlie has been asking to go Skating. So I thought he might enjoy trying out Hockey especially with the way he love Soccer and Wrestling.
So if Charlie enjoys it as much as I am hopping he will I hope David and I can sign him up for some Hockey classes as this would get Charlie the exercise he needs. As well as get him around new children and help him make some new friends.
Also, check out Little Rookies/ Dallas Stars as this will allow your children to play Hockey for free for 4 weeks. This class is for children from 4-8. I just wish I had knew about it last year as Charlie is 9 now and to old for the program.
To check out other events Please use this link as there is so many fun and unique events happening at all the different locations that I cant wait to talk to David and Charlie about checking into them.
Thank you.
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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