In your niche is there a tool that you find indispensable?

Welcome to Day 23 in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. I was just sitting at my desk looking outside at this beautiful Sunday. I started to read through the prompt for today’s post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge.  I have a question for you in your blog or business. “In your niche is there a tool that you find indispensable in your day-to-day activities?”  If so, would you be kind enough to share it with me.

For me I would say a notebook and a pen that writes. As I have them everywhere purse, each car and on my desk and in the restrooms and also each bedroom as I may get an ideal and if I don’t write it down right away, I would forget it.  I carry business cards with me everywhere as I just knew know where I might be and or who I might meet that I want to keep in contact with. Because David says we can’t leave home without talking to everyone we come into contact with and that I have to come home and share something about them or what we do.

Which if truth be told I do that a lot. I have a question for you this morning do you do that as well? Because as a writer or blogger the next best story might just be around the next corner. Or at least this is what I am trying to teach Charlie. As taking notes can help Charlie improve his reading and writing. As well as allow him to speak to people and for all we know the person Charlie speaks to might be having a bad day and just saying hello might change that persons day.

Now, you might ask what I do with all these notebooks, notes and brochures I collect and I put them away until I can’t figure out what I want to write about then I pull them out and reread them. as I go through them I always learn something new and it helps me gain perspective and want to blog again. Because in those papers was a story just waiting to be shared with you all. Or a memory I would like to document so Charlie will be able to read about it in the future.



Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

8 thoughts on “In your niche is there a tool that you find indispensable?”

  1. I’m new to blogging so don’t have any tool to keep a note of but I’m thinking to jot the points and divid the schedule for this. Indeed your blogging notes will definitely help Charlie

  2. I like your idea of writing down ideas to blog about; I am having some trouble coming up with daily material! I have become pretty reliant on writing notes in notebooks, too. But now I need to come up with an organizational system because I tend to write it down then lose my place as to where I wrote it because it’s in a random notebook page!

  3. I’m sorta the same as you but when I’m out and about, I always need my phone. Not so much for calls but to snap a picture if I see something unique. I also use my “keep” app or text myself a message with good blog material that comes to my mind. Now when I’m home, that’s a different story. I always have a notebook next to me and when anything pops in my mind, I jot it down as a possible blog topic. Since I love to share my recipes, but hardly ever measure anything, I’ve started measuring and writing them in the notebook so I can let my readers know how much of what I’m using instead of say, “a little of this and I don’t know how much of that” LOL

  4. I enjoyed reading your post. I’m a big notetaker as well. I do the same – I store the notes or info. away and end up using it later.

  5. This is a very good idea. I don’t keep track of anything except my monthly bills. I have a notebook to record bill payments with dates. I should apply the use to other things. Thanks for this.

    1. At least you do your bills I try and keep them in my head and I
      end up forgetting things that are due sometimes. So I need to
      borrow your ideal. Have a Blessed day.

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