Summer Safety – 5 Essentials to Keeping Your Kids Safe This Summer

Summer Safety – 5 Essentials to Keeping Your Kids Safe This Summer

Photo by Bayu jefri from Pexels

For most families, the summer break from school is a time for lots of fun and excitement. From cross-country trips to lazy days on the beach, this short break is perfect for doing things you don’t get a chance to do while school is in session. 

Amid all the fun, however, it’s important to keep safety in mind. Whether it’s remembering to apply plenty of sunscreen or knowing the rules of water safety, parents should stay vigilant in making sure the kids stay safe no matter what the day’s plans are. Here are several essentials to keeping your kids safe this summer. 

1. Make Sure They Know How to Swim

If your vacation will take you anywhere near the water for any reason – fishing, boating, swimming, etc. – it’s vital you make sure your kids know how to swim. Before embarking on your next big adventure, enroll them in some kids swimming lessons so they can learn water safety, breathing techniques, and a few helpful strokes that could potentially save their lives. 

2. Don’t Forget the Sunscreen

Skin cancer is very common these days, especially in people who spend a great deal of time in the sun. If your summer adventures take you outdoors for any reason, be sure to slather on the sunscreen at least every two hours. Keep to this recommendation, especially if your activities make you sweat or involve swimming. Be mindful of the sun’s reflectiveness off water and sand and reapply sunscreen often. Remember, the higher the SPF, the more protection the sunscreen provides. 

3. Teach Healthy Hydration Habits

During the summer months is the perfect time to teach your kids some healthy hydration habits. Their developing bodies are less efficient at keeping them cool than your adult body is, so staying hydrated is especially important. 

When spending time outdoors, kids need to take a hydration break every 20 minutes. Healthy drink choices should include natural fruit juices and water, and if possible, a shady spot to drink them in. Encourage your kids to start each day by drinking a glass of water, too. One way to encourage kids to drink more is to keep a cooler handy filled with ice cold juice and water. 

4. Check for Ticks

Ticks are a major concern these days, as their numbers have grown significantly. If your day involves activities like hiking in wooded areas, it’s a good idea to check each adult, child, and pet for ticks afterward. 

If you find a tick on yourself or another family member, use a pair of pointy tweezers to grab it by the head and gently twist it out. If it’s broken the skin, keep the tick to help the doctor in his diagnosis. Once the tick is removed, use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean the area. On future expeditions into the woods, be sure to wear long sleeves and long pants, and stick to trails to keep ticks at bay. 

5. Apply Bug Spray

Mosquitoes are a nuisance during the summer but applying bug spray as recommended is more important than you think. Mosquitoes carry nasty diseases such as malaria and the Zika virus, so be sure to spray on some repellent before heading outside. 

When school finally ends, and the kids are free for the summer, it’s time for some family fun. Keep the tips mentioned above in mind to ensure your kids stay safe and sound as you embark on your next summer vacation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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