Where Do You Take Your Welch’s?

Charlie came home from school, and I was working on something for the blog. I heard Charlie ask his dad if he could have one of something.  I listened to his dad say you will need to ask your mom as they are hers. Then David said I am not sure what she is doing with the snacks. Since I was busy, I wasn’t sure what they were talking about as I kept working. The next thing I know Charlie walks over to me and says “I like these” can I have a package of them. Now, I have a question for you “Where’ Do You Take Your Welch’s?”

I stopped what I was doing to see what Charlie was talking about and it was a box of Welch’s Fruit Snacks I was sent to conduct a review. Charlie asking me if he could have a package made me very happy because when Charlie was smaller, he would eat at Welch’s Fruit Snacks all the time.

Then Charlie just stopped eating Welch’s Fruit Snacks even though I always try and get Charlie Fruit Snacks when we buy groceries as they are a healthy snack. I let Charlie know he could try a pack of the Fruit Snacks out. I watched Charlie check both boxes out as I had Island Fruits and Fruit Punch. I thought Charlie would want to try the Fruit Punch, but he asked for the Island Fruit which was excellent.

I kept working, I noticed David standing at my desk looking at me like a lost child. I asked David what he wanted, and he said I would like to try Welch’s Fruit Snacks out as well. Once David and Charlie had a package of the Fruit Snacks they went to the couch and started to eat them it was fun hearing them discuss the colors and the flavors of the snack. Both Charlie and David liked Welch’s Fruit Snacks a lot and had asked if I will get the more of the Island Snacks.

Once they finished those, I asked if they would like to try out the Fruit Punch Fruit Snacks and both of them said yes. David said he wanted the Island Snacks better, but Charlie liked the Fruit Punch ones much better. As a mom, I loved knowing Fruit Snacks come in 10 packs and only have 80 calories in each packet. I also liked knowing that Fruit is their first ingredient. The next thing I checked out was how much sugar is in each package. There were only 11 grams of Sugar which isn’t bad at all.

I will be purchasing several more boxes of Welch’s Fruit Snacks to hand out at Halloween because I like giving healthy treats to the kids who come Trick or Treating as well as putting these inside David and Charlie’s stockings.

From October 16th – November 20th, visit and submit where you take your Welch’s to be entered to win a box of Welch’s Mixed Fruit Snacks!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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