Simple Ways To Fight Hair Loss

Simple Ways To Fight Hair Loss

All women love their hair, it is a part of their personality and your hair can make or break your look. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to have thick, shiny hair at all times. There are numerous reasons why hair loses the shine and starts thinning. Do not accept thinner hair as a part and parcel of your life, there are some things you can do for your hair loss and slow down the progression of it.

Remedies for thinning hair

Copper peptides Copper peptides are not just good for skincare, but also for your hair. This peptide promotes new hair growth, thickens hair, and maintains hair color. You can read a review of GHK-Cu if you want to give this a try.

Watch what you eat
One of the building block of the tissues inside your body is protein and if you consume enough protein in your diet, you will have strong and thick hair. Common sources of protein include egg whites, fish and milk. You should also include foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids a couple of times a week.

Eat your vitamins
Vitamins are important for your mind and body and Vitamin A is crucial for your hair because it works with the fat synthesis and products like eggs, carrots and leafy greens include this vitamin. Vitamin E helps in blood circulation and provides oxygen in your body. When there is adequate oxygen, there is healthier hair. A lot of minerals for hair health include iron, calcium, copper, zinc and magnesium. You can find them in your favorite vegetables or take a daily supplement if needed.

Speak to a doctor
A lot of people find their way to a doctor when they notice that they are losing a lot of hair. If you have any symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, you need to visit a doctor. There are many natural supplements you can explore and also eat foods that promote healthy hormones. Holly Moore from says that using their Hair Renewal Softgels greatly reduces hair shedding. There are many conditions which lead to a hair loss like anemia, stress, thyroid and medications can help you get over it.

Keep away from bad habits
Habits like smoking and drinking alcohol can damage your hair. Smoking tends to reduce circulation and this includes the blood flow on to the scalp. Even drinking harms your immune system and can cause the hair to fall out. Stay away from these habits for the sake of your health. Make it a point to remain hydrated at all times for the tissue growth and good health. You need to set a goal and drink specific amount of water every day. Avoid sodas because it can damage your immune system and could make your hair thinner.

Maintain peace
While many will find this hard to believe, the main cause for hair loss is tension and stress. You need to try yoga or meditation in order to calm your mind.

With regular exercise, you can clean out as well as unclog the hair pores and it will make you healthier and help you grow longer locks.

Oil scalp massage
A scalp massage can help stimulate the hair follicles which helps increase hair growth. Numerous essential oils like rosemary, thyme and lavender are known to prevent hair thinning. Take a carrier oil and add a few drops of an essential oil like lavender or rosemary to it. You then massage the oil in your scalp and leave it for about an hour. You can then shampoo your hair. Do this every week and see the difference in your hair.

Natural juices
Rub your scalp with natural juices like onion juice, ginger juice and garlic juice and leave it overnight. Wash it thoroughly the next morning.

Use green tea bags to apply on your scalp and leave the mixture on for about an hour. It contains antioxidants which will prevent the loss of hair and will also boost hair growth.

Be kind to your hair
Your hair is fragile and it is very important to treat it with care. If you use a hair dryer, set it on low settings and minimize the use of flat irons. Do not dye the hair more than one or two shades the normal color. You can cause severe damage by the chemicals on the hair. Do not use products that have a lot of chemicals in them and opt for organic products.

Your hair are an important part of your personality and you need to take the essential steps to ensure that they are thick, healthy and strong. Every product you use on the hair will have an impact on its health.

Thank you,

Glenda Charlie and David

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