5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Consider Using CBD

5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Consider Using CBD


As an athlete, being the best in your sport is your primary goal. Physical strength and endurance are vital components to an athlete’s success story, but being mentally and emotionally strong are equally valuable to excelling. Athletes know they must be holistically healthy to thrive. It takes various habits from eating nourishing food, adopting mindfulness practices, surrounding yourself with the proper support, and key personality traits like disciple and determination to take yourself to the next level. 

Using natural remedies to boost energy and alleviate pain is another way athletes excel in their sport. CBD is an excellent example of a natural compound that is helping athletes take their minds and body to the next level. 


How CBD is different from the rest

CBD is a cannabinoid that producers extract from the Cannabis Sativa plant species. The cannabis plant is famous for producing intoxicating cannabinoids such as delta-9 THC, which causes people to become high when taken in a large percentage.

CBD stands out from its cousin cannabinoids because it is a non-intoxicating psychoactive. Products that contain hemp-derived CBD with less than 0.3 percent THC cannot make you high. There is also no risk of overdose or increased paranoia when taking them. CBD is the only cannabinoid that anti-doping agencies accept. It is legal in various countries worldwide.

Research on CBD is in its infancy, but early data shows encouraging results regarding CBD’s potential for physical and mental health. The cannabinoid works mainly through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The latter is responsible for keeping the body in optimal balance (ECS) in a molecular design. It does so by having the receptors send messages through the mind and body to implement change. Researchers believe CBD triggers change by signaling to the receptors.

Its lack of psychoactive intoxicating properties and its legalization has led to a rise in popularity for this cannabinoid. CBD is the star of the moment, with even former cannabis skeptics opting to try this natural compound. Shopping for CBD oil UK is a safer and more accessible process these days. You can invest in gummies, balms, skincare products, and the list. 


Five reasons athletes are turning to CBD

CBD crushes stress

Chronic stress can stop you from excelling. Physical training is an excellent way of beating stress, but CBD can help by getting you to reach a calmer inner state. In one research study, analysts noted CBD’s potential to manage hormone imbalance, including the cortisol hormone, which is the one that determines whether the body goes into fight-or-flight mode. 

The overproduction of cortisol can cause your immune system to grow weaker and lead to a higher risk of weight gain. CBD can balance the overproduction of the hormone so you can remain focused on your athletic goals. Concurrently, your body can have more energy to focus on other critical processes, such as restoration.

CBD contains pain levels

Proper restoration is critical if you are a professional athlete, as resting is as essential as training is for the body. A good diet and enough sleep are vital for restoration, but CBD can be of value, especially if you are in pain. Researchers have noted how potent CBD is as an anti-inflammatory tool. People use this natural compound to ease chronic pain caused by disorders like fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. Tenfold more potent than morphine to treat pain, CBD can assist you when you have sore or pulled muscles and encourage the body to heal quickly.


CBD delivers good vibes

Discipline, determination, and consistency are vital to succeed as an athlete, but you also need a good mental state to get you through obstacles. CBD can help you feel good and keep anxiety and depression symptoms at a minimum. Researchers observed how this natural compound interacts with the neurotransmitter in the body responsible for maintaining anxiety symptoms low. Serotonin, also known as the happy chemical, must be adequate to keep the risk of anxiety to a minimum. Researchers believe that CBD can signal the receptors to produce more of this happy chemical or trigger them to better use the serotonin present in the body. 

CBD to control hunger 

Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol is the cannabinoid that triggers the infamous munchies. In contrast, CBD may have the opposite effect. One study shows how CBD can diminish appetite in some users, thus serving you well if you crave more food than your daily required intake. In another interesting study, researchers noted CBD’s potential to turn bad fat into good fat to get the body to burn it more efficiently. 

CBD for maximum energy

CBD works as a double agent when helping with energy levels. This natural compound can help you fall asleep quickly when taken in high doses if you have an adrenaline rush and you need to fall asleep. In contrast, it can boost your energy during the day if you take a low dose. 

CBD is not the most critical ingredient for your career as an athlete. However, paired with a proper fitness regime, a good mental state, and healthy habits, it can serve you well to excel in your field and reach your goals. 

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