5 Signs You May Need to See a Counselor

Picture: Endho 

Being a parent requires you to be giving and supportive. When you’re not taking care of your children’s most basic needs, you’re supporting them through sports training, homework, their social life, and daily challenges. That can all take its toll on a parent who may feel like they have nothing left to give. At this point, any parent may wonder whether they need to seek help outside the home. How can you be sure if you need counseling? You may relate to the following information. 

You Can’t Regulate Your Emotions

It’s entirely normal to feel sad, frustrated, angry and stressed. These emotions are all part of the human condition. However, not being able to regulate your feelings positively may be a sign that you need to seek the services of a trained counselor, such as Trillium Counselling

In counseling sessions, you can explore these intense emotions in a safe space, find their root cause, and then learn coping mechanisms to overcome them. The next time you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or angry, you can use them in a positive way, rather than reflecting them on yourself or someone else in your household. 

You’re Underperforming

Those struggling with psychological issues often find themselves unable to perform everyday tasks to the best of their ability. You might be having trouble concentrating, or your energy levels are waning. You may even be struggling with your memory, such as forgetting to take the kids to sports practice or making their lunches for school. While not always a sign of depression, not being at your best can signify that a counselor’s input might be necessary. 

Your Sleep and Appetite Are Changing

Both sleep and appetite changes can be linked to mental health issues. Some people may find themselves sleeping far more than before, while others can barely get any sleep at all. The same applies to eating. You may be snacking more often than you used to, or you’ve hardly got an appetite to stomach anything. 

Lack of Enthusiasm for Activities

A significant part of being a parent involves participating in fun games and activities with your kids. Sometimes, it’s as simple as kicking a ball around the backyard or as exciting as a trip to a theme park. If you’re distancing yourself from family activities to spend time alone, you may need help. Depression can sneak up on anyone, and it’s generally not something you can tackle on your own. Failure to seek help may lead to disconnection and alienation, and further emotional issues that you may struggle to manage. 

You’re Grieving

Parents have a pivotal role to play in their children’s lives. You’re seen as the person who can handle everything going on and never wavers in the face of a challenge. To your child, you’re as solid as a rock. 

However, you may not feel that way underneath, particularly as significant life events can cause a great deal of stress and heartache. Whether you’ve lost a loved one, are going through a divorce, or something else, you may be crumbling on the inside. Before it starts affecting every part of your life, consider reaching out. 

Seeing a trained professional is not a sign of weakness. You’re a superhero to your child, but you’re not unbreakable. If you’ve noticed any of these signs above, don’t be afraid to ask for support and help.  

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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