5 Surprising Facts About Long Distance Relationships

5 Surprising Facts About Long Distance Relationships

Technology has made the world a smaller place as distances no longer keep people apart. As they are now able to connect with each other irrespective of the location, the concept of long distance relationships is gaining acceptance. Couples living in different cities or even countries can be in constant touch and be together for years and years. Yet, it is quite unbelievable that two individuals are miles apart yet closer than those living under the same roof. Why do you think that such relationships are able to survive and thrive despite a lack of physical intimacy? Let us know some surprising facts about long distance relationships and ldr statistics.

Such couples have better communication

Incredible as it may sound, these couples have better communication than those in a normal relationship. The reason is that they try to make up for the distance by being constantly in touch. As a result, they connect several times a day which seldom happens in normal couples who find it hard to make time for each other. What more, the daily Skype dates and video calls gets them even closer to each other!

Interactions are more meaningful

People who are far apart find better ways to interact with each other. Conversations are more meaningful and evoke deeper feelings than it happens between regular couples. Giordana Toccaceli, the renowned intimacy coach, highlights the significance of deeper interactions as she states that they are much more important than being physically together with the person one loves.

They appreciate each other more

A majority of couples who live far apart yet decide to nurture a loving bond between them learn to appreciate each other more with the passage of time. They are focused on spending good times with each other and seeing the positive side of their relationship, rather than having mundane conversations. This keeps the spark alive between them, no matter how long they have been together. Each partner values the other and seldom do they take each other for granted.

Commitment levels are high

Long distance couples are more committed to each other as compared to normal couples because this is a decision driven by sheer love and commitment. It is hard to love someone without being with them yet people who are such relationships do it. Meeting each other is a celebration for them and they make all efforts to stay in touch, which requires each partner to be greatly committed.

Distance fuels desire

People who live away from each other are able to meet only once in a few months. But this turns out to be a blessing in disguise as distance does make them grow fonder and fuels their desire for each other. The passion and desire in the relationship stays for years and years as partners experience excitement at the thought of being with each other.

Long distance relationships are a lot of work for both the partners but they are truly worth the effort if you find true love in your partner. After all, the purpose of being in a relationship is that the other completes you, no matter how near or far they are!’

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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