5 Things To Remember Before Buying An Extension Cord

5 Things To Remember Before Buying An Extension Cord

Extension cords are an inevitable part of homes, offices, and other work environments. They enable individuals to overcome challenges like a shortage of outlets or short cord lengths to connect to the nearest outlet that could restrict the viable placement of various appliances. 

Despite their unparalleled importance in everyday lives, they are also the most commonly misused items. The root of most of these problems turns out to be not choosing the right cords for the application. Most of us walk into a store or shop online and add any cord that falls within our price range. It means that we forget to verify its capabilities or specifications and safety precautions that are crucial to ensure a safe and seamless experience. 

Source: unsplash.com

Here we will discuss five crucial factors you need to assess to buy the right extension cord for use. 

1. Thicker Cords Are Suitable For Higher Power 

The thickness of your extension cord is a critical factor to assess while shopping. It directly influences the power capacity of the cord, especially its efficiency in carrying power over long distances. Thicker cords can carry higher wattage necessary to power tools such as power saws, drills, or other heavy equipment. 

The gauge value indicates the thickness of your cord—the larger the gauge number, the thinner the cord, and therefore, low power capacity. For example, a 10 gauge extension cord of 25 feet in length can deliver power much more efficiently than a 14 gauge wire of the same length. 

It is vital to match the requirements of your appliances and systems with the gauge. Low gauge wires are the best choice for lights, battery chargers, whereas you will need higher values for heavy-duty equipment. 

2. Know The Letter 

Extension cords have an assigned letter that indicates the suitable environments for using them. It is essential to assess the string of letters to know printed on the outer layer or jacket before buying them. 

Source: unsplash.com

  • W – Cord suitable for outdoor usage
  • V – Vacuum wire offers more flexibility compared to regular wires 
  • S – General purpose flexible cord 
  • P – Parallel construction to support air conditioner cords. 
  • J – Indicates 300 V insulation. The absence of the letter ‘J’ indicates a regular 600V insulation. 
  • SRDT – Higher amperage capabilities 
  • HPN – High-temperature resistance through parallel neoprene wire
  • FT2 – Flame retardant 
  • O – Oil resistance 
  • E – Thermoplastic elastomer rubber covering or jacket 
  • T – Vinyl thermoplastic covering or jacket

Understanding these letters helps to find the right choices for outdoor and high-power applications for the best experience. They indicate variation in jacket composition most suited to withstand heat, light, water, and regular wear and tear. 

3. Extra Outlets Is Not Always Good 

Extension cords with multiple outlets are truly enticing to connect different tools simultaneously. Often known as banana tap, the multi outlets are convenient to use. But these outlets are not always the best choices to use simultaneously, especially if you are planning to deal with heavy-duty equipment. 

These cords are mainly likely to overload from too many connections. It could reduce the power available for your tools or cause severe damage to the cords. For example, if you connect a few lights to a cord that powers your saw, you are probably overloading the box when you operate the tool. It could lead to overheating, and the circuit breaker within the device will instantly trip. In the absence of a fuse or breaker, the extension cord could cause a fire hazard. 

4. Always Buy A Cord Longer Than You Need

One of the most common mistakes while choosing extension cords is buying too short. Having some extra room enables you to connect the appliances wherever you need without too much worry. Having cords that barely reach your work area can be frustrating. Moreover, it could increase the chances of accidents or damage to the cord. Buy the longest cord with the appropriate specifications for the best use. 

Source: pixabay.com

Another reason to buy longer cords than you think you need is to avoid connecting multiple cords in a daisy chain. Extension cords are not designed to accommodate such connections. It could reduce the power delivery due to increased circuit resistance or cause abnormal heating leading to hazards

Also, avoid bending the cords if you wish to shorten the usable length. Instead, form small loops and use a rope of plastic ties to secure them. Place the wires closer to the walls to avoid tripping. 

5. Look For GFCI Cords

Extension cords with GFCI protection are a boon due to their extended safety features. GFCI or ground fault circuit interpreter is a mechanism installed within the device to protect against electric shocks, burns, and electrocutions. The system can prevent fatal accidents while using extension cords, making it the best choice for the home and the work environment. 

GFCI cords continuously monitor the flow of current within the device. They detect discrepancies, if any, such as a sudden increase in current flow and automatically respond to it by shutting down the system. This way, they help to prevent hazards such as fires or electrocution. 

GFCI protected cords are essential for outdoor applications. They can prevent accidents caused by exposure to water or other elements and increase operational safety. 


Extension cords are an essential appliance for households and workspaces. Identifying the right choices specific to your needs can ensure safe and efficient operation at all times. These five simple tips can guide you to purchase the right cord every time. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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