5 Tips for Hosting an Awesome Vape-Friendly Party

5 Tips for Hosting an Awesome Vape-Friendly Party

Photo Courtesy:unsplash.com

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, many young people, mostly high school students, are vaping rapidly, with the statistics rising yearly. While vaping is legal in most states, many vapers”, such as the younger ones”, don’t take the necessary precautions while attending vape parties.

If you plan to host a vape party, ensure it’s vape-friendly to accommodate all the guests. Remember, many people vape while at parties because of the thrill it has, while others need to overcome anxiety while in a crowd. To have a smooth party, you need to put things to contain many people with different vaping reasons.

To make things easier for you, we’ve compiled six tips for hosting an awesome vape-friendly party. You may want to check out Brisbane.

1. Have a Spacious and Well-Aerated Area for the Party

Whether you’re expecting a bigger or smaller number to the party, ensure you have a large party area that will accommodate everyone. Remember vaping fills the air with clouds, and if you have different flavors, the smell there can be unbearable. The vapor from the vapes can interfere with your guests’ lungs, even if they’re vapers themselves.

Also, a bigger partying area will allow your guests to move freely and have personal space. If you have a small house, make good use of the backyard and balcony. However, setting an outdoor venue requires extra care as you don’t want to interfere with the neighbors. Be very careful when choosing your vaping party venue, so you don’t interfere with others’ peace.

2. Entertain Your Guests

Don’t let vaping be the only activity at your party. Introduce some form of entertainment to make the party lively. You can have a DJ play eclectic music as the MC brings up different challenges where winners get rewards such as free vaporizers. Also, playing games will keep people busy as they vape.

Harness the talents of your guests to get some free entertainment for the party. Through recreation, your guests will be able to feel free and enjoy themselves. If you have the time and money, make the party unique and stylish. Use this opportunity to give your friends special treats, especially if it’s on the weekend. You can make it a pool party where your guests get a massage after getting enough entertainment and drinks. 

Also, remember that some vape devices are not good for sharing and very delicate. Make sure you choose a perfect vape pen amazon for party vaping.  Get a strong one that can withstand all the mishandling and craziness of your guests. You should also ensure your station has enough accessories like batteries, additional coils, and atomizers. 

3. Spice the Party with Some Snacks

Don’t allow your guests to vape on an empty stomach. You don’t need to cook since you can still prepare some simple snacks. Bring different types of snacks so that no one misses their favorite. Bringing the snacks to the party will give people the energy to continue partying. It’s also a way to protect them from the side effects of nicotine in vape juices.

Fries, nuts, pizzas, and chocolates will do. Don’t go for snacks of the same flavors as the vapes. You need to bring in a different flavor to the party apart from that of CBD. And don’t just think about your favorite tastes. Consider what everyone at the party will love.

4. Have a Vape Serving Point

Not everyone at the party will be careful with the vapes. Some will mishandle the vape rigs, while others may loosen them. Some will mishandle the vape rigs, while others may loosen them. To avoid that:

  1. Have a vape serving point with the necessary items like towels for cleaning up any mess.
  2. Have paper towels, cotton swabs, and needle-nose pliers to help repair any broken vape.
  3. Ensure you stock different vape flavors here to allow every guest to have their favorite.

5. Bring Enough Drinks for Everyone

Vaping alone is not enough at a party. To liven your party, buy different drinks like alcohol, soft drinks or some hot coffee. But basics like water, lemonades, and ice cubes should never miss. If you can’t afford expensive drinks, you can contribute money amongst yourselves for that. Requesting your friends to come with some drinks can also help you out.

To avoid incurring losses at the party, use plastic utensils that will not break or harm any of your visitors. You don’t want to incur losses due to damages after the party.


A boring vape party can be a turn-off, especially if you don’t know how to entertain your guests. To spice up things, ensure you have entertainment, drinks, and snacks that will serve everybody. To avoid incurring losses at the party, make a vape serving point so that you are in charge of everything. Choose suitable vaping devices, and get a large party area with perfect ventilation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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