5 Tips to Pass a Urine Drug Test

5 Tips to Pass a Urine Drug Test  


Today, Marijuana is consumed for both Medicinal and recreational purposes. Many States have also legalized it. But most employers remain skeptical about its drug effects and often ask for a Urine Test to ascertain a ‘clean’ employee.  

You might be asked to pass a Urine Drug Test when applying for a job, promotion, or other similar situations. It can be daunting if you are an avid or a casual Marijuana user.  Here, we share tips about passing the Urine Drug Test with flying colors.  

Why do employers demand Urine Drug Tests? 


Employees who show positive in Drug Tests cause several problems like: 

  • Decreased productivity  
  • Decreased financial profits
  • A decline in employees’ morale
  • Damage to the brand’s image and reputation
  • Increase in worker’s compensation claims
  • Decreased workplace safety
  • Some jobs like healthcare, government, etc., have legal requirements.

A ‘clean’ employee with no drug history would help in the progress of the brand.   

Duration for which the Weed stays in your system 

Before we dig into passing the test, it’s essential to understand how long a substance like the THC and its Metabolites stay in your system to show in a test. Light and occasional users can cleanse their system in a week or less after the last ingest. Average users can achieve it within a fortnight to a month, while it may take around 30 to 45 days for heavy Weed takers to flush it from their bodies.  

The time taken for a complete flush of the Weed varies from person to person as its determining factors are: 

  • The BMI or Body Mass Index. 
  • The metabolic rate of a person 
  • The level and concentration of THC present in the system.  

Tips to pass a urine drug test  

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of passing a Urine Drug Test. A few of the leading methods are: 

  1. Detox kits 

Detox Kits are ready-made packages that can flush out all Drug content from your body within a few hours to a few days. These include Detox beverages, Medications, and Dietary Fibers. They are excellent at removing the drug components from the Urine and leaving all other indicators intact.  

You can choose any depending on how much time you have in hand before the Urine test. But it must be from a reliable, reputable company that has phenomenal reviews. Puriclean is an excellent and reliable pill to try. You can learn about the Puriclean pill here.  

  1. Drink plenty of Water/Dilution 

Drinking excessive Water helps mask the Drug content by flushing out the Weed Metabolites from your system and Urine. But this cost-free solution takes away the yellow hue of the Urine and makes the situation suspicious.  

The solution lies in taking a Vitamin B supplement (especially B2 and B12) along with a creatine supplement, which imparts a natural yellow hue to the Urine. However, you must be careful not to get Dehydrated as that would increase the THC metabolites content in the urine. Another smart move is to always give the Urine from the middle of the Urine stream. The Drug elements are most concentrated at the beginning and end of the Urine flow and are best not collected for sample. 

The only downside is that you might be asked for a retest if the Urine is too diluted. It is a natural way that can work if you are a light user. 

  1. Detox drinks 

These are primarily Diuretics that eliminate the presence of drug elements from the Urine, just like water. They come with added Vitamins and Creatinine Protein to keep the original look of Urine intact.  

You can consume them one to three hours before the test. Drinking enough Water with it helps you Pee frequently and flush out the drug toxins from your body. It is an excellent method to adopt to beat a Urine Drug Test at the eleventh hour.  But you must always buy a reputed brand product and follow its instructions to the tee.  

You can also use natural homemade Diuretics like Lemon Water, Fruit Juices, Cranberry Juice, Coffee, etc.  

  1. Synthetic Urine  

This method works when you need not give the Urine sample in the presence of an authorized person. You might provide another person’s Urine or purchase fake Synthetic Urine artificially prepared in the laboratory and looks and smells like Natural Urine.  

It is a clean solution with no traces of Drug components. Its most significant advantage is that no testing can differentiate it from original Urine. However, the method is risky and needs to be pulled off with tact.  

  1. Miscellaneous ways  

Few other tactics that you can employ to expedite the Drug flush are: 

  • A high-fiber diet with little to no junk, fatty and Sugary food helps eliminate Drug elements via feces. 
  • Drug compounds are stored in the fat deposits of the body. Exercise helps break the fat deposit and increase metabolism. They also release the Drug chemicals in the Blood for flushing. Hence, exercising is great to cleanse the system if you have sufficient time before the Urine test. But you must stop exercising two to three days before the test.  
  • Sweating through exercise or Sauna also helps eliminate contaminants through the Sweat Glands.  

The Bottom line  

The best way to pass a Drug Test is to remain Drug-free. In other circumstances, it is best to delay the Urine test as much as possible and try the above methods. You are certain to pass the Urine Drug Test with flying colors and achieve all you want in life. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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