6 Factors That Exacerbate Aging


Are you noticing any change in your skin color or texture?

It is clear that aging is a result of a significant number of causes. No matter what we do or where we go, we cannot escape aging. There are some preventions and by adapting them, we can slow down the effect of aging on our skin. We just need to understand the factors. Let us go through them.

  1. A poor diet

The most common factor which is ignored is a healthy diet. An unhealthy diet can cause damage to your skin and tends to lose collagen making your skin dull and wrinkly. Consuming a lot of highly processed food and high sugar content causes inflammation which contributes to premature aging. You need to cut down your simple carbs and include whole grain, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. Replace processed food and sugary food with healthy fatty food.

2. Lack of sleep

When you work on your skin, sleep should be the most important thing. When you get a night of proper sleep, your skin recovers and repairs itself. When there is a lack of proper sleep, your body will get imbalanced that might lead to redness and a dehydrated complexion. Additionally, it can cause an adverse effect on your hair by making it thin and cause acne. Your skin may lose elasticity that will make your skin have more wrinkles and look saggy. So, you should have a beauty sleep of 7 to 8 hours every night. Also, it is important for you to follow a sleeping pattern. Going late to bed will impact your skin and also leave you restless.

3. Being stressed

Whatever may be the reason for your stress, it adds years to your skin. Since you cannot avoid your job and bills, the best method is to learn how to manage the stress. It not only affects your overall health but also affects your skin. Dr. Bill Andrews from Siorai (https://www.siorai.com/) says that busier is not always better, as too much stress can cause the skin to age more quickly. What’s more, when people are stressed, they often skip meals or don’t take care of themselves in the way they should.

Ideally, you need to keep stress away and adopt a more positive approach to life. By including some techniques like yoga and meditation clear away stress and leave you looking ageless and radiant.

4. Sun exposure

Sun exposure is the most significant cause of aging and for the development of wrinkles. Sun eliminates UV rays which tend to lose the elasticity of skin which causes sagging. Additionally, excessive tan and sun exposure may lead to age spots and loss of collagen. Get in the habit of applying sunscreen every day, even if it is a cloudy day. Whenever you step out of your house, keep yourself covered. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen on exposed areas like hands, neck, and chest.

5.Wrong or no skincare routine

Do you follow any skincare routine? Or you just go to your bed every night without caring what is on your skin?

Having a skincare regime can help you in slowing down the process of aging. But, it is important to know the right way of following them. For example, it is important to cleanse your face before applying any other product on skin otherwise your anti-aging product will not work on your skin properly.

Additionally, the product you apply may also affect your skin. Using low-quality product can harm your skin and make it prone to rashes and irritation. Try to avoid products with harsh chemicals. Opt for organic products with natural ingredients.

6. Smoking and drinking

Smoking can lead to overall health issues as well as affects our skin. It causes fine lines around the mouth and damages collagen and elasticity of the skin. It inhibits oxygen from reaching the skin and reduces blood flow, leaving skin discolored and dry.

Same with liver, it too discolors the skin over time. It dehydrates your body, damages cells and reduces immunity which impacts the appearance, quality, and aging of your skin.

It is important for you to know about the aging process to maintain healthy and younger skin. Stay hydrated, opt for a healthy diet and stay active. Your personal care and lifestyle habits will surely reflect on your skin.

Along with your skin, do take care of your hands and neck. They always stay exposed to the sun and start showing early signs of aging. Keep them moisturized and make sure not to neglect them!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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