6 Remote Work Tips for Single Mothers

6 Remote Work Tips for Single Mothers

Many people enjoy the perks of working remotely, like setting their own schedule and eliminating their commutes. But if you’re the single mother of a baby or toddler, you may be having trouble getting used to this arrangement. However, plenty of mothers have faced this situation before, and while the adjustment can be trying, it is possible to work efficiently from home while handling all of your duties as a parent.

Mothers everywhere experience the same challenges, but you can implement the following advice from Mommies Reviews in your personal and professional life. 

Communicate With Your Colleagues

If you’re struggling to balance your workload with your domestic responsibilities, there is no shame in asking for help. Reach out to your boss and coworkers to talk to them about what kind of support you need. The Muse suggests thinking of a few specific tasks that you need assistance with and recommending potential solutions. Together, your team can chart a course forward.

For example, if you have the kids full time Sundays through Thursdays and your co-parent cares for them Fridays and Saturdays, a regular Monday-to-Friday work schedule may not be ideal. If it would be helpful to modify your schedule so you work on Saturdays and have a weekday off, talk to your team about how switching up your days would make you a more productive worker. The odds are that they’ll be happy to accommodate you. After all, when you’re able to do your best work, it benefits all of your colleagues!

Work During Downtime

Perhaps your child always settles down for an afternoon nap around the same time each day. This can be a great time to get some extra work done. You could also talk to your boss about working for an hour or two at night after you’ve put your child to bed. Sometimes, the best way to tackle your projects is simply by sitting down at your desk when your child is sleeping. 

Enhance Your Career Prospects

Going back to school and earning a degree can significantly improve your earning potential. Instead of attending a traditional institution, many enjoy the convenience and affordability of an online program. For example, if you want to earn an MBA degree, you’ll be able to learn from home and gain skills in marketing, communication, and financial management.    

Take Time for Yourself

Working from home as a single parent can be emotionally and physically exhausting at times. That’s why it’s important to find a little time to take care of yourself each day. Eating well and working out when possible is the simplest way to boost your energy and support your overall well-being. A nutritious diet will help you get the most out of your workouts. Taking a multivitamin can also ensure you get all of the nutrients you need on busy days.

If it feels impossible to find a moment just for you, get creative. For example, let’s say your child insists on joining you while you break a sweat to a workout video. Rather than fighting her, encourage her to exercise right along with you, but pop in some earbuds so you can listen to music while you exercise. That way, you’ll be able to get a mental break by focusing on your workout and the tunes you’re listening to rather than feel like you’re still on mom duty.

Encourage Quiet Activities

Every mother knows that toddlers can be rambunctious, but when you’re working, you’re always hoping that your child will be calm and quiet so that you can concentrate. Coming up with a few quiet activities that will keep your toddler occupied is essential, such as playing with stuffed animals or blocks. 

Everyday Reading suggests establishing an hour or so each day as “quiet time” so that your child will expect it. Soon, they’ll probably look forward to it!

Tidy Up Daily

At the end of each day, set aside a few minutes just to tidy up your home. Starting your morning in a clean household will help you feel focused and prepared. You do not have to wipe down every surface or clean every nook and cranny — just putting away any misplaced items will allow you to start each day on a positive note. If you have a home office, organizing this area will benefit your productivity.

As a single mother, you have a very demanding schedule. Working from home and caring for your child at the same time can be harder than working at the office. But over time, both you and your child will get used to spending your days together at home, and you might start to prefer remote work.

Visit Mommies Reviews for resources, coupons, and reviews that all moms need! 
Photo via Pexels

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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