7 Body Exercises For Stay-At-Home Moms

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Being a stay-at-home mom comes with challenges, including juggling responsibilities and managing time well. Moreover, you may eventually stop exercising for one reason or another, which may negatively affect your health. Recent research shows many benefits of exercising, including improving circulation, strengthening heart health, and boosting energy. That being said, it would be beneficial to work out every day. Daily exercising may seem impossible even when you’re a stay-at-home mom. However, the seven exercises below can help you stay active. 

  1. Yoga 

Yoga is usually a great place to start gentle exercise with children. Children are quite flexible, and you can add a fun twist by observing who can best execute each posture. You can try a mix of simple movements for children and exhausted parents with an interactive aspect that keeps children engaged and interested. Ultimately, yoga isn’t reserved for only moms, and children can get involved to make it a family-fun activity. 

  1. Crunches 

Lie on your back with your hands clasped over your chest and your legs bent, flat on the floor. Constantly bend your knees to offer proper lower back support. Many individuals like to put their hands under their heads, but it is not a good position since it strains your neck. When you grow weary, you are inclined to pull on the neck to finish the workout. Raise your body slowly, engaging your abdominal muscles and pushing your lower back on the floor. When you hit the peak of the crunch, slowly exhale and inhale as you drop your body to the floor. 

  1. Baby curl-ups 

Curls serve to stabilize your lower back by strengthening your core muscles. Lie on your back with your knees extended and your feet flat on the floor. Position yourself by reclining on or close to your pubic bone while holding your baby. Secure your little one beneath their arms with your hands wrapped around the chest. Lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades above the mat in 2 counts, then drop in 3 counts. As you curl up, exhale through your lips, bringing your abs upward and in. Perform 15 to 20 repetitions. Relax and have fun, then do one more set.

  1. Jumping jacks 

Jumping jacks are a quick and fun way to pump your heart and stay active. Begin by standing with your toes apart and your hands by your sides. Jump with your toes apart in a single motion while raising your arms completely over the top of your head and simultaneously. Lower your arms as you pull the legs together towards the beginning position. You can also try trampoline jumping to make your fitness routine more fun. Trampoline fitness, for instance, targets different muscle groups while improving balance and coordination. To enhance the cardiovascular benefits, try interval training by alternating between bursts of high-intensity jumps and active recovery periods.

  1. Baby Dancing 

Dancing gives a gentle cardiovascular workout that engages all major muscle groups while improving balance and coordination. It will also lift your spirits, no matter how exhausted or upset you are. You can do this while carrying your baby or in a front-facing carrier that puts the baby close to your body and elevates the head. Put on some of your favorite music and dance while keeping your abs pulled in. Alternate between calm and fairly rapid music to keep your pulse rate high. To gauge your degree of exertion, take deep breaths or sing aloud; you need to be able to talk without pausing.

  1. Fire hydrants

This exercise involves positioning yourself on all fours. Place your hands squarely beneath your shoulders, and your knees should align with your hips. Maintain a neutral spine using your abdominal muscles to support your upper body. Keep your eyes on the floor and slightly ahead of your hands to maintain your head aligned with your spine and preserve your neck. With bent knees, slowly raise one leg towards the side as much as possible. Avoid rotating your hips or leaning to the opposing side. Lower your leg back to the starting position with control and ease. Repeat a few times.

  1. Plank 

The simplest method to get into the plank pose is to start with a pushup. Drop your arms to the floor while keeping your forearms and fists flat. Keep your hands in a ball and directly behind your shoulders. You may also clasp both hands and position them such that you are staring down at them. Tilt your pelvis and squeeze your abdomen towards your spine to curl your toes and activate your abdominal muscles. Lift your body, but keep your spine and neck neutral. Instead of looking ahead or letting your head dip, keep your gaze fixed on the ground before you.

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