7 Habits Towards A Healthy Living

7 Habits Towards A Healthy Living


Health encompasses a set of things our mind, body, and emotional side should reach. Although reaching optimal health can involve some struggle, the process doesn’t need to get too complicated. 

Sure, you can schedule a set of days at the gym, create month-long meal plans, go on retreats and download various health apps to keep track of everything. But if you hope to keep things simple and attain a healthy lifestyle, then all it takes is a few small shifts in your life, starting with these seven habits. 

Consider natural remedies and vitamins

Consuming the necessary amount of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants per day is a job in itself. So your first habit to a healthier lifestyle is to incorporate natural remedies and vitamin intake during your morning ritual. You can take a multivitamin and start your day with a glass of water and lemon. Consider other natural remedies such as CBD. CBD benefits include easing anxiety symptoms and pain, together with an energy boost and better focus.


Daily meditative practice

Studies on meditation show the extraordinary ways this simple practice can transform a person’s life. People who meditate daily are less anxious and more focused. Daily practitioners lead serener lives, they can control their anger better, and they have a higher threshold for pain as well. Even ten minutes of meditation can make a difference. If you prefer having some guidance, try helpful apps like Headspace and Calm.

Practice presence 

If sitting for ten minutes of peace is too much of a task because of time restraints or kids running around, then practicing presence during simple tasks is a habit that may suit your lifestyle better. Buddhists suggest using tedious tasks such as chores to practice presence. All you need to do is accept the moment as it is without rushing to get to an exciting task. During this time, watch your breath and appreciate the moment regardless of how boring it may be. 


Opt for unprocessed food

A life without cake isn’t as fun. So instead of renouncing all sugar and fat or allowing yourself one day of indulgence—one that usually ends with a tummy ache, why not go for balance? You can enjoy overindulgent food if you stick to small portions and keep the idea of balance in mind. Moreover, opt-out of unprocessed food whenever possible and stick to fresh ingredients. So if you’re looking for a snack, go for an apple rather than a processed cereal bar. 

Move every chance you get

Gyms and aerobic dates are great, but if you want to keep things simple, remember to move every chance you get. This is a no-brainer and the easiest way to become more active if you dread exercise. You can start with simple habits such as taking the steps rather than the elevator every chance you get and walking instead of driving whenever you can. 

Apps such as Pacer can help you track your steps and calories throughout the day. You can also buy a simple pedometer and keep it on you all day long. If you hit the 10,000 steps mark, then you have reached highly active status. 


Remember to have fun

It sounds like an obvious point, but for most of us, it can be challenging to remember the last time we did something for fun. These days, with so many people making money through internet fame, the pressure to excel is ongoing. For some of us, that means feeling pressured to turn our hobbies into side hustles. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s important to remember to do things simply for the fun of them, as we did when we were kids. Not everything has to have a purpose. Not all activities must have a goal, and it’s not a sin to do things because they’re fun and for no other reason.

Keep your interactions live

Although the pandemic has made it trickier for us to meet in person, it’s good to remember that live interactions will always trump virtual ones. So when possible, keep your dates with the ones you love going. Also, Canadian Anabolics Steroids are in use these days, they seem to help people with hemorrhoids etc. Say yes to coffee with friends and yes to walks on the beach with your favorite people. Being surrounded by love and unwinding with others without being burdened by constant thoughts is a way to experience relief and moments of joy. 


When you go through these habits, you realize there’s nothing remotely complicated about them, so avoid resisting them. Healthy living isn’t about ticking things off a list to feel good about how perfect you are. Instead, it’s about allowing yourself to lead a serene life, no matter how challenging life gets. After all, you only have one life, so why not make it fun and worthwhile with the people you love?


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4604171
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2503660
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4023456
  4. https://www.headspace.com
  5. https://www.calm.com
  6. https://www.mypacer.com

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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