7 Major Reasons to Try Organic Wine This Holiday Season

7 Major Reasons to Try Organic Wine This Holiday Season


The festive season is fast approaching. Tinsel lines the shops, lights sparkle in the towns and festive cheer is all around – almost. It’s the season of mulled wine, hot apple cider and eggnog. As we open our arms and homes to family, friends, feasts and alcohol – our shopping trolleys fill with the best wines, spirits and whatever else takes your fancy. However, have you thought about opting for organic wine this holiday season? 

As more people are reaching for sustainable alternatives – there is a rise in organic wine purchases, and the age-old belief that organic wine is too expensive for the average consumer is no more. 

Studies have found that organic wine does taste better too, what more encouragement could you need to try it? Holiday seasons are for coming together sharing a love for good food, great drink and lots of fun – so, why not get some organic wine in to try with all your loved ones? 

So, with the evidence there and the taste getting the approval, let’s cover our top seven reasons why you should try organic wine this holiday season. 

Better for your health


Granted – the holiday season isn’t most people’s prime time to start focusing on their health. However, with so much alcohol consumed in the UK during the holidays, the average Briton spends at least £200 on alcohol alone in December, much more than other months – why wouldn’t you want to make sure what you’re drinking is the safest option for your body? 

Organic wine is a cleaner alternative for your body, produced using only grapes grown without the assistance of synthetic chemicals. This means it is free from artificial toxins that can be damaging to your health – in turn, making it easier for the liver to process the alcohol in the wine as it doesn’t have to work on keeping the other chemicals at bay. 

Better for the environment

During the festive season, it is fair to say a lot of us go all out, turkeys, hams, big decorative light displays. However, with more of us becoming conscious of our carbon footprint, sourcing our festive produce sustainably is a great option.  

Organic wine is grown chemical-free, which means no harm is caused to the environment during the process. So, pour yourself a big glass of festive cheer and consciously lapse up the pride – you are helping support a cleaner environment. 

Better for those with allergies

During the production process of organic wines, no extra sulphates are added – making it an excellent option for people with allergies. Sulphur is commonly used to kill unwanted bacteria and antioxidants. Whilst organic wine contains only the sulphur found naturally in all fermented wines. 

Sulphur is a common unrecognised intolerance in many. People with sulphur sensitivity may experience runny and puffy eyes and even rashes in some cases. Moreover, the sulphur in non-organic wines is believed sometimes to be one of the causes of that unpleasant wine drinking ‘morning after’ feeling. The one that gives you headaches, reaching for the nearest glass of water. The cause of this feeling may be because the sulphur added to wine is hard for our body to process – making us feel less than fresh the next day. 

Ditch the festive hangover and wake up refreshed by switching to organic wine this holiday season. 

Higher resveratrol levels


During the growing process, the grapes in non-natural wines get sprayed with lots of pesticides- this stops the grape from naturally producing its pesticides. Less resveratrol (an antioxidant linked to lowering heart disease), is produced. The plant does not need to protect itself anymore – the chemicals do that. The small amount the plant does produce gets washed off, resulting in a much weaker grape.

Organically grown plants grown therefore contain high resveratrol levels – meaning you can reap the rewards of this anti-ageing, heart helping antioxidant this festive season. 


Wrongly, people often assume that organic wines come with a hefty price tag – this isn’t always true. You can purchase organic wines that cost a lot – but the same stands for non-organic wines. 

Indeed, organic wine is slightly more expensive than regular wines; you can still purchase them at a great cost. For example, a bottle of organic red wine can cost as little as £7.99. So, what’s your excuse? Explore the organic wines on offer and get the tastiest selection, in time for Christmas! 



Our ecosystem is sitting at a vulnerable point. As we become more mindful of our effects on Earth, many of us are looking for more sustainable production methods for several things. GMO grapevines, unfortunately, do exist, but they have not made it out of the lab and into the vineyard yet – it is believed to be not long until this could happen. The effect on our planet will not be good. 

Of even more concern is the belief that GMO yeast is in circulation, and there is no way of knowing whether the wine you are consuming contains it. Unless, of course, you opt for organic wines. 

Organic wine does not contain any GMO, and there is no chance it ever will as it is not allowed in any biodynamically organic certified wines. 

Great taste


If none of the reasons thus far have been enough to convince you that the number one supply you need in this festive season is an organic wine, then the taste sure will.  As per studies, organic wine tastes better than non-organic wine.

You can rest assured that like organic fruits and vegetables, organic wine tastes better than your standard favourite bottle, as it is purer, cleaner and more sustainable. You will know that as you sip it over a festive game of charades. Not only does it taste good, but it makes you feel good with a clean conscience and reassurance that it is better for your health and environment. 

The bottom line

So, there you have it – our seven top reasons to make the switch to organic wine this holiday season. The planet will thank you, your body will thank you, and so will your guests as it tastes great, and they might even wake up hangover free – bonus! 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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